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  1. meisacao

    So I did the switch

    My fish were kept in a small 10 gallon qt tank while I did the switch. No, not the best tank but it was my only option since I was using the water from the 39 gallon. Thanks for the info. I will start the water changes today. I haven't put in more rock yet. I had 40lbs in the old tank and I...
  2. meisacao

    So I did the switch

  3. meisacao

    So I did the switch

    Okay, so I switched from the 39 to the 55 gallon. I read everything I could on upgrading tanks and tried talking to everyone. One of the LFS was no help (my regular store was closed) the girl actually told me to put the 39 gallons of water in add some new salt water, stick in some buffer and...
  4. meisacao


  5. meisacao


    It is true that they will release a toxin if stressed. It's much more common with the long horn than the helmet. The helmet seems to be very peaceful. They usually are fine as long as you put them in with the right tank mates. You don't want to have them with any fish that will compete with...
  6. meisacao


    I syphon mine to get old water out but I do not vacuum the sand bed. Get a clean up crew that sifts your sand to clean it. BTW, a long horned cow fish is not a good idea for a 50 gallon. They need a min. of 125 gallons because they get VERY large. I have a helmet cowfish. A great deal...
  7. meisacao

    Do you think I made a good deal

    This weekend I bought a new tank (yes, I will now have two). I purchased a 75 gallon glass with a granite stand and hood. Comes with VHO's, two powerheads, two emperor 400 filters and 100 lbs of live fiji and marshal island rock. Paid $650.00. Used tank from the lfs (the only fish store I...
  8. meisacao


    I am switching my 39 to a 55. My question is how long will it take for the 55 to be ready to transfer my fish. I will be using the 39 gallons of water from the old tank and 40lbs. of rock from the old tank. The 55 has been set up for 3 days. New live sand, 16 gallons of new R/O water, old...
  9. meisacao

    Can someone explain

    I'm not exactly new to this hobby but my tanks are all fowlr. However, we are now considering putting up another tank (reef). Can someone explain the difference in VHO lights and MH? Thanks!
  10. meisacao

    replace carbon??

    When I did freshwater I only changed it once a month. but saltwater fish are much more demanding when it comes to health and water quality. I like to keep mine changed every time I do a water change so that I'm not taking any chances.
  11. meisacao

    replace carbon??

    I run carbon in my tank all the time and I replace it about every two weeks when I do my water change.
  12. meisacao


    Not normal for spines to fall off. that means he's sick or stressed. I had mine for over a year and never lost any spines. They are great to keep as long as you do not have corals or anemones. They eat all of that.
  13. meisacao

    Anyone have a "helmet" cowfish

    I know, it comes with many different names. I have one in my 55 gallon. had him for about 3 months and he's doing great. Here's the thing. I read and read and continue to read on this fish. And while he doesn't grow as big as a long horn there is conflicting information on what size tank he...
  14. meisacao

    carbon filters

    I run carbon thru mine all the time to keep it clean. My fish supplier says it's great to do to keep the tank clear and after a year, I've had no problems with it. The carbon has to be changed more often than what you change in a freshwater tank though.
  15. meisacao

    Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!

    You can also run carbon through your filter to clear up the cloudiness.
  16. meisacao

    Changing tanks. Need advice....

    I don't have any great advice for you but you have some great questions. One thing I would like to know is if you are changing tanks, when you move the fish to the new tank should you acclimate them to the new tank in the same way that you did when you first brought them home? I'm going from a...
  17. meisacao

    spiny box

    Okay, I've had a spiny box puffer for six months. he's healthy, happy and never had any problems. But I have read that puffers need to be wormed??? What in the world does that mean. I've never wormed him and he's never had any problems. I've read all kinds of stuff about him and only one...
  18. meisacao

    Walmart water

    Mine is testing very high for amonia and we have two different walmart stores that we use and they are both testing bad
  19. meisacao

    sick puffer

    How long have you had the puffer?
  20. meisacao

    Clowns Acting wierd

    He may have jumped in without researching. Ten years ago, when this hobby wasn't so popular I tried to start a new saltwater tank. I had NO experience and had two fish stores actually tell me to put water in, treat it with aquasafe, buy a couple of powerheads and the rest would be set up just...