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  1. meisacao

    pencil urchin question

    I got a pencil urchin a few days ago and he is doing great, but here's my question. I know that he scrapes algae from the rocks to eat, but what in the world is he "pooping" out? Is it rock that he is grinding up while he is scraping for algae? Just curious because there are three big piles...
  2. meisacao

    I'm so lucky and Happy!

    Just had to share my joy with the board. I'm fairly new to this hobby and as most of you have said once you become successful and start seeing a beautiful tank come to life this becomes addictive and way too expensive! I just got lucky! I bought a used (from someone I know) 75 gallon with...
  3. meisacao

    uuugggghhh DeathCo!!!

    my regular lfs does actually have quarantine tanks. Yes, i've seen them. They only quarantine for 5 days but they at least do something. My initial post was just to let everyone know of my experience with *****. They have just moved into OKC, they haven't been here long at all and I have...
  4. meisacao

    Aquarium Pharmaceutical users

    I have the aquar. Pharm. master test kit too. I have always had problems with the amonia test. Everything, and I do mean everything I test reads anywhere from .25 to .50 for amonia. It doesn't matter if i test bottled water, tank water or tap water, the amonia test never works. Everything...
  5. meisacao

    uuugggghhh DeathCo!!!

    Yes, I know how we all hate *****, but tonight I had no choice but to go there. (I have pot belly pigs and they sell snacks for them). Anyhow, I stopped by the saltwater dept. and noticed they had some beautiful fish, but that all the tanks had a nasty white film over the top and they also had...
  6. meisacao

    Can snails get ich?

    That may be a stupid question for those of you who have been doing this for a while, but I just wanted to check and see if snails can get ich? Just curious if it is purely a fish disease or if it can infect other animals too.
  7. meisacao

    I.D. please

    I have one of those in my tank too, only it is a fuschia color. Shaped just like yours though. I still haven't figured out what it is. It's been in the tank for over a month and it hasn't hurt anything and it doesn't appear that it has grown any. If you figure out what it is let me know...
  8. meisacao

    water changes

    Did my water change today. My new water is still testing .50 on amonia?? Used R/O water and salt and even used a buffer, still tested high. So i tried to test other water, tested tank, water directly from the bottle and the water i prepared for the change, all tested .50. I'm guessing my...
  9. meisacao

    water changes

    The bucket is new, just bought today. The test kit i am using is Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Is this a bad kit? Thanks for all your help! You guys are always very helpful when i have questions. :joy:
  10. meisacao

    water changes

    Can someone please help me!! I'm getting ready to do a water change. I have mixed, in a 5 gallon bucket, r/o water with the salt. I am aerating it and heating it. I tested it and the amonia is .50. That is the only thing wrong with it, the amonia is too high, everything else is testing...
  11. meisacao


    I just read that I need to be adding calcium to my tank once a week. Is this true ?
  12. meisacao

    Beginner Filter Question?

    I'm new to this too. I have a hang on the back filter, that was not a biological filter. We bought the bio wheel kit to add to the regular filter and it works great. My tank is fish only and I have the hang on the back filter, power head and the skimmer. I also have lr, but i wanted the bio...
  13. meisacao

    Help ID a few things please.

    I think i have a couple of those from pic #2. They look almost purple and they are leathery looking, I haven't figured out what it is either. :notsure:
  14. meisacao

    Clown fish food

    I am feeding my clown fish Spectrum Thera+A. Is there anything else that I can feed them that is flaky instead. These are small little ball food and most of it sinks to the bottom before they get to eat it. As picky as they are they refuse to eat off the bottom! I don't want the tank to get...
  15. meisacao

    Is it possible??

    I'd love to post picks, however I managed to break the digital camera!! He's a green bubble coral and as of today has a few more plates that are looking like bubbles. I read up on them a little lastnight and it said that at night they will deflate some and you'll see mostly tentacles, we...
  16. meisacao

    Is it possible??

    Okay,when i first started putting my tank together and putting the lr in I went to the lfs. When i was picking out lr i noticed a rather large piece of dead coral in the lr tank and they let me have it for free. Now after looking closely at it (3 weeks after putting in tank) it is starting to...
  17. meisacao


    Do not get him! I don't know a whole lot about saltwater tanks. I do however know quite a bit about octopus. I studied them extensively in school. They are extremely intelligent and great escape artists :happyfish . It is almost impossible to keep them in an aquarium. They do know how to...
  18. meisacao

    Empty tank

    The tank is one that I bought from a friend who used it as a saltwater tank but got sick of it and sold all of the contents but kept all of the hardware.
  19. meisacao

    Empty tank

    Yep, I'm new to this. I have a 35 gallon fwolr tank and it just got it's first fish 2 days ago. I also have a 75 gallon that is sitting empty. I would like to slowly turn it in to a reef tank but have absolutely no idea where to begin the process and if it is a totally different process than...
  20. meisacao

    Top Off

    So do I treat the R/O water with anything or just buy it from walmart and put some in? Thanks for your help!