Search results

  1. landmeier

    Is this a good price?

    I saw this setup on the internet for $99 plus $15 shipping and handling. Is this a ggod price for this setup and is it enough light to sustain corals and/or anenomes? 29" POWER COMPACT AQUARIUM LIGHT, 2-55W BULBS This is a new, very reliable, 29" Compact Light with 2 - 55 watt bulbs. One is a...
  2. landmeier


    Will a coral banded shrimp be compatible with a mandarin? I have a mandarin now and wanted to get a CBS. I read on the board that CBS may attack weak fish. At my lfs I saw cbs with mandarins but the mandarins were much bigger than mine.
  3. landmeier

    cute as can be

    I have two clarkii clowns and they love my feather duster. i had a post a few weeks ago about this. I was wondering the same things you are. I don't have an anenome for them so I guess they just settled with what they had. The duster doesn't seemed bothered by their presence. The female...
  4. landmeier

    Landmeir and KrustyClown- Attention please!

    I just started salt water last August so I do not know of many but I will email you a few addresses. Krustytheclownfish might have some more suggestions.
  5. landmeier


    Wow $9.99 is a great deal. The cheapest I've seen them is about $25.
  6. landmeier

    Blue Lobster

    I have a purple lobster and he is fine. He doesn't bother anyone. The only time he comes out of his hole is when I feed the fish.
  7. landmeier

    Water change?

    If you used tap water that could be the culprit. I'm not 100% sure but I believe copper could be in the water from old pipes. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. landmeier

    Micro bubbles

    Thanks for the help. You are all great.
  9. landmeier

    Micro bubbles

  10. landmeier

    Cleaner wrasse

    I have had two cleaner wrasses now and both times it has died in the night. Each time it is dead my emerald crab has it. I saw the wrasse this morning webbed up in a barnacle still alive. I now see the damn crab is eating it. Did the crab kill it or was it dead first? Is it possible the...
  11. landmeier


    thanks, the mandarins I saw at the lfs were all under rocks and not moving. I thought maybe they were nocteral or something, poor little guys.
  12. landmeier

    Micro bubbles

    Will the micro bubbles coming out of my skimmer harm my fish or shrimp? Some of the bubbles get stuck on the fish. Is this harmful?
  13. landmeier


    Is the madarin nocteral?
  14. landmeier

    Green chromis vanshied

    My cleaner wrasse has vanished too. I hope he comes out after a few days of hiding and isn't dead like I had thought.
  15. landmeier

    Yellow Tangs

    I hate yellow tangs. They are real jerks. They beat up on everything else. They look very nice but have bad attitudes. mine tang is getting evicted(sp?)
  16. landmeier

    Purple Lobster

    I have had a purple lobster for about 6 months now. He only comes out at feeding time but he is neat to watch. It takes them quiet awhile to become comfortable. Mine took about a month or so. He lives in a barnacle that you can seee in at all times. As soon as i open the lid of the tank to...
  17. landmeier

    Live Sand

    I currently have a undergravel filter and want it gone. If I take out the cc and ug filter and then rinse out the tank, keeping half or 2/3 of the water, and then add ls. Would my tank recycle if I used SWF ls?
  18. landmeier

    DSB Questions

    Its been up for a year is that relatively new? How many gallons of old water should I use. Is it going to take another 6 weeks to cycle? Doesn't the ls speed up the process?
  19. landmeier

    CBS and Cleaner Shrimp water requirements

    I have the red sea test kit and hate it. do you have problems determining the pH? I take my water to the lfs now.
  20. landmeier

    Will it grow back?

    My yellow tang had been nipping at the fins of my clowns so I removed him. Will their fins grow back or fill back in? If they do how long does it take?