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  1. gatrpetvet

    adding carbon to my filter/skimmer

    Ok, I have a feeling this is going to sound really dumb. Anyways, 46g bowfront with a cpr bakpak biofilter/protein skimmer combo. Wanted to add some carbon to help absorb nastiness after treating for red slime algae. Got a nylon bag and added some carbon gravel, then sat the bag into the filter...
  2. gatrpetvet

    Filter motor killing tangs

    I have a 48 g bowfront fish only tank containing a clown, sailfin tang, shrimp, snails, urchin, blue starfish and some hermits. We bought three tiny blue tangs last week and two have already died by being sucked either tail or head first into the motor that sits in the tank connected to the...
  3. gatrpetvet

    Power Outage.

    I am probably jinxing us but I am not that worried about Ernesto, GatorWPB BUt I don't have a generator so I hope I am right. All I have right now is a backup oxygenator......hopefully since we are in WPB we will just get a lot of rain and some wind and thats it?!?! Good luck!
  4. gatrpetvet

    Any idea what is on my perc??

    Yes definitely possible to heal- my tang got a mild case of HLLE due to my accidently having the SG too high and pH too low. I corrected the abnormalities and improved the diet and things have improved dramatically. Good luck
  5. gatrpetvet

    Itchy Fishy??

    Metronidazole does not treat ich, it is an antibiotic which means it kills bacteria. Ich is a parasite. Good luck, I am battling it in my tang right now:( a friend of mine who is a fish vet says "No Ich- Marine" might work and is OK for inverts but I have not used it yet.
  6. gatrpetvet

    HELP my sailfin tang please!

    Skywatcher- Definitely not possible to take the fish back- you know most lfs will not take back fish. If what you are saying is true, it makes me mad that they would have even sold it to me. They know me and my tank. The sailfin is about 2 inches long......... Also did a freshwater dip last...
  7. gatrpetvet

    HELP my sailfin tang please!

    Thanks Beth, At first I DID think it was air bubbles. BUt the clownfish does not have them and they are getting worse. Also today it seems the spots are turning darker instead of white. He is still eating and active, but he also looks really pale. Today ph was 7.9 (too low); sg was 1.027...
  8. gatrpetvet

    HELP my sailfin tang please!

    Thanks both of you. I read everything I could find about the QT tank and ick. Will set up the tank today. This morning the tang looks a little better but that doesn't really mean much right now. I just hope I can save him. Actually last night I was watching the tank and one of the white "spots"...
  9. gatrpetvet

    HELP my sailfin tang please!

    Starting this morning I noticed my sailfin tang has "ick" - looks pretty classic from the pictures I looked up on this site. The only other fish I have in the tank is a clownfish which has no signs of ick (yet?). However I have crabs, snails, starfish, and live rock and live sand in the tank. So...
  10. gatrpetvet

    Ever seen this?!

    Thanks, I was pretty sure the urchin couldn't have "attacked" :)
  11. gatrpetvet

    cleaner clam

    GatorWPB- I'm also a gator in WPB! Anyways what store around here gave them to you for free? I would love to try......would pay but just curious where you got them?
  12. gatrpetvet

    Ever seen this?!

    Came home today to find my green chromis lodged between my small urchin and the glass of the if the urchin was eating him! Clownfish and sailfin tang are fine. Chromis was fine this AM- went shopping, came home, found him like this. The caudal half of his body looked like it had been...
  13. gatrpetvet

    Need advice - clown acting strange..PIC

    Did a wet prep and didn't see much. Unfortunately the formalin bath probably killed anything living on him. I did see one organism I thought was protozoal. I didn't get much else out the prep or opening him up. I really hope my others don't get sick!!!
  14. gatrpetvet

    Need advice - clown acting strange..PIC

    Best of luck with your clown. Mine looked worse this AM so I treid a freshwater dip and a formalin bath. He died shortly thereafter. From the way he looked today I am suspicious of brooklynella. I am on my way to the clinic so I am going to try to make some wet preps his lesions to see if it was...
  15. gatrpetvet

    Need advice - clown acting strange..PIC

    I have a clown acting strange today also...same thing exepct I do not have an anemone. He suddenly doesn't want to eating and seems stressed/breathing hard. He also has some white on his sides, kind of looks stringy as if his skin might be peeling??!And on his face like yours.My other fish are...
  16. gatrpetvet

    Fish for 24g nano

    Melody- My email is I think it will be a while before i get any fish other than the two chromis i have. When my cycle is done in a few weeks i will add maybe some coral, snails, starfish? My husband and I intend to be very patient about adding fish....we want to do it right.
  17. gatrpetvet

    Fish for 24g nano

    Melody- I'm in WPB too.....I see you do bully rescue, that's great! I am very new to this, just set up a 46 gallon tank...still cycling....It would be great to compare where we get our suppiles and fish from, I have not found many good stores in our area. Email me if ya want, I would love to...