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  1. waterdogjenn

    tank cloudy

    do you replace the polisher pads when you do a water change or rinse them? no problems with water quality?
  2. waterdogjenn

    tank cloudy

    the collection cup has about 1/4 inch every 2 days. i have cut back on the feeding I think i was feeding to much seaweed. but you know the hey i'm starving look they give you. lol
  3. waterdogjenn

    tank cloudy

    i have noticed in some refugiums there is some kind of foam in between the chamber deviders. is this to reduce debris? and what kind of foam is it? would this help my problem or is a baceria breeding ground?
  4. waterdogjenn

    tank cloudy

    no. would I still be having a detrius out break do they come and go?
  5. waterdogjenn

    tank cloudy

    I have a wave maker in the dt. and a return pump from the refugium.
  6. waterdogjenn

    tank cloudy

    80 gl tank has been up and running for 4 mo. all the chemical readings are great. but my water some days its clear then the next day its not. there seems to be alot of brown tint debris to the water. I have a over flow to the refuge with a skimmer, a lg piece of lr and a return chamber. any...
  7. waterdogjenn

    turbo snails dying

    I figured the snails would eat other algae that has grown on the glass but it sounds like thats not enough.
  8. waterdogjenn

    turbo snails dying

    the LFS said to leave in the bag then let them loose. they have been there for about a month.
  9. waterdogjenn

    turbo snails dying

    I just did my test tonight thought that migh be it PH 8.2, amonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrite 0, salinity 1.022. all the fish are doing fine. Yes I did get them to eat the diatoms and its pretty well cleaned up. Is ther any thing I can do?
  10. waterdogjenn

    turbo snails dying

    I have a 80gl tank its been running for 3mo. In the last 2 weeks 3 of my turbo snails have died. then I was reading and they need calcium. could that be it and if so how do you add them to your tank?
  11. waterdogjenn

    one dollar food

    really you just freeze it and cut off a chunk for them? Is it really that simple? What kind of fish are you feeding?
  12. waterdogjenn

    anemone for a clown?

    I have a 80gl its only 2 mo old. I know its prob to soon to add one but I was thinnking ahead. I have a jebo fixture w/ 4 PC. But if I decide to get into reef I will invest in MH. also I think they are paired they don't stray far from each other.
  13. waterdogjenn

    anemone for a clown?

    I have 2 perc clowns will they host any type of anemone? do they need seperate ones or will they share one?
  14. waterdogjenn

    freaking out fox face

    My fox face has been turning the pale "fake like I am dead" look. He used to only do it when the lights were tuned on or when the kids would scrape the algae off the glass. Now he will race around the tank then go behind the heater and the" fake dead". He still eats and no sign of ick. Is this...
  15. waterdogjenn

    diatom ?

    i guess i'll be patient. I only have PC. I'm a newbie
  16. waterdogjenn

    diatom ?

    thanks I want to clean it for that reason. I have seen pictures of tanks with a really pretty pink purple algae on the back of the tank. how do you get that stuff to grow? Is it something that comes in time or only in a reef tank?
  17. waterdogjenn

    diatom ?

    should I be scraping the back wall of my tank that has diatoms on it?
  18. waterdogjenn

    fox face food?

    what are the best "greens" for my fox face? I have some flakes,I have heard of leaf lettus being fed. I have also seen sheets of seaweed in the LFS or a frozen mix?
  19. waterdogjenn

    buying fish on line?

    thanks again. just making a wish list for now.
  20. waterdogjenn

    brown stuff on my sand

    thanks for the quick reply. I am trying really hard to go slow.