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  1. nminunni

    New Clown Aquarium

    I can help, I have a 20g tank and tried to do it on the cheap. Here is my set-up: 1 HOB filter (get 1 size up from what you need, my tank is a 20g but I wish I had a 30g filter to help w water movement). 1 heater (I have two of the 15 g heaters to keep things even) 2 nano-koralia powerheads (i...
  2. nminunni

    Next fish question......

    I have had both a 6-line and royal gramma. Both were agressive. The Royal was the last addition to my tank and chased my clowns around anytime they swam below the midway point in my tank. The 6-line never bothered the clowns but ate every invert he could and attacked a midas blenny that I...
  3. nminunni

    SeaClone Skimmer help

    I just got a hand-me-down seaclone 100. Does anyone know what pump I can use with it? My LFS tried to sell me a $30 maxijet but it seems like a lot and ide rather buy online. soooooo if anyone can tell me what size to buy Ill get skimmin'
  4. nminunni

    What was the longest you've gone without doing a water change?

    what is the standard frequency and % of water changes?
  5. nminunni

    What was the longest you've gone without doing a water change?

    7 months, then lost my wrasse and 2 clowns. All inverts are still there though. expensive way to learn I suppose
  6. nminunni

    My 20 Gallon long tank build

    are you putting the chaeto directly in your tank? Don't most people put them in their secondary tanks? The reason I ask is because I have a 20g stand alone system but have nitrate problems. I want to add some chaeto but dont know if I can.
  7. nminunni


    I have now lost my other clown resulting in a total crash of all fish, but no inverts seem stressed. Are there any parameters that would affect fish but not inverts???????????????????????? HEELLLPPPP
  8. nminunni


    no longer critical. Just dead. I am thinking maybe the koralia had some type of contaminant? Its weird because as I said, all the inverts are fine. I guess we will see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully my last fish will pull through. I do know one thing. I am not putting the powerhead back...
  9. nminunni


    thanks :( the clown is still fighting. Its mate is swimming right next to it as it is laying on the floor. Its super sad
  10. nminunni


    Bad news this morning. I just installed a new nova extreme t5 and a Koralia 2 onto my 20g. This morning my 6-line was dead and one of my clowns is in critical condition. Is it possible the powerhead introduced too many air bubbles into the system??? I had it pointed diagonally across the tank...
  11. nminunni

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    its only a 20g but I have about 10 pounds of LR that will sit on top of the background. I just plan on letting the background cure for about a week, hopefully in water. We'll see
  12. nminunni

    Help me take the next step!

    should have the koralia and new t5's by this weekend. Also I am working on a foam background. I have never been a fan of the fake posters and the foam with some baserock should lend itself to my fish! I hope they like it. Will post pictures as additions happen.
  13. nminunni

    Xenia xplosion

    so how much to send me some of that xenia?
  14. nminunni

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    eh, This is a hobby to throw caution to the wind right? I have about 2lbs of baserock added to my eggcrate. I am not worried about that small amount cycling anything. Assuming I can be patient and let the resin cure I am not too worried about it cycling.
  15. nminunni

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    I was thinking about doing a foam background on my tank. the only difference is, my tank is acutally up and running. Is there any concern to adding this to a tank that is already stocked? i would assume you need to cure the resin so it doesn't leach. Does Base rock go through any significant...
  16. nminunni

    1st batch of homemade LR!

    im inspired. Time to start reading.
  17. nminunni

    my first hitchhiker

    what was he hitchhiking on?
  18. nminunni

    just added sand & water! Help

    got a 2 from ---- for 35 with shipping. AND!!! I had a coupon for $22 left at paypal. Total price $13
  19. nminunni

    Help me take the next step!

    Picked up a koralia 2 for $12 brand new thanks to some paypal coupons and rebates. That means 600gph flow plus whatever my HOB filter puts out in a 20g. I hope my fish can swim
  20. nminunni

    just added sand & water! Help

    I have a 20g with a very active HOB filter (don't know how much flow it generates but it moves pretty well). Do you think I would be ok with a koralia 2? Do you know anywhere that sells them cheap?