29g The Not So Nano... Nano


eh, This is a hobby to throw caution to the wind right?
I have about 2lbs of baserock added to my eggcrate. I am not worried about that small amount cycling anything.
Assuming I can be patient and let the resin cure I am not too worried about
it cycling.


eh, This is a hobby to throw caution to the wind right?
I'm not too sure about that. You're dealing with live animals and playing god with their lives.
But it's your call and your fish.
How big is your tank? If you only have 2 lbs of rock on there it'll float for sure, unless you have a 2.5 or 5.5 tank.


its only a 20g but I have about 10 pounds of LR that will sit on top of the background. I just plan on letting the background cure for about a week, hopefully in water.
We'll see


Nano-Newb - Thank you very much
nminunni - That'll be plenty. IMO, if you can wait a week
I'd let it sit outside for 3 days then soak it for two, drain and soak it for another two. Just to be on the safe side.
10 lbs. is good, it'll look great.


So I picked up a wicked awesome colony of zoas. I think there are 3 different kinds but I'm not sure now. I'll have to wait until the lights come on tomorrow. And I'll get pics too

I also got 12 nass snails. Finally my sand will be cleaned.
So, after many profound brain things in my head, I've decided to go skimmer less. For now. I'll keep my AC50 and use chemi-pure elite.
So in the works right now for the tank is a surface skimmer for the AC. I'll get pics once that's done. Also I want/need more flow. I'd like to hide as much equipment as possible so I'm having a hard time thinking of solutions to my flow problem. Any ideas would be awesome.
Thanks guys
(dang that was long)


New Member
When you get a chance I would love to see a pic of your new zoa colony on here. The phone pic was cool but my phone sucks. Later bro!


Here ya go brother!

And a few more:

The Anthelia aren't doing so well right now. I have no idea why.

An awesome feather duster that came on the rocks

Here is the overflow box I made for my AC50. I'm not sure it's as efficient as I hoped, what do you think?

And... I think I have aptasia.

And the FTS:


Sorry about the late update, I'm usually pretty dead after work. Anyway I have good news and bad news
First the bad:
I got a new fish but he went carpet surfing while I was out

And my GSP isn't doing very well. It was closing up little by little. I moved it to an area with little flow and it is completely closed up now. I think it has a parasite(s) or something. There are three tubes coming from the base with a worm looking creature that comes out with two antennae. I'll get a picture later.
Also one of the 10k bulb went out inexplicably. Lame sauce.
Now for the good news

Along with the fish I got my first SPS coral; a digi

Then my friend fragged some of his xenia, I think its the silver kind

Everything is doing great, I've seen the little polyps on the SPS already, the zoas are doing fantastic and xenia are pulsing other fish are happy.
Oh and I bought a rotating deflector and koralia 1. I love the deflector but I had to move the 1200 out of hiding. It looks crappy so I'm going to pick up a rio 600 to take it's place. I'll have to do some trimming but I think the deflector will fit then.
Dang that's a lot for one week. Birthday money FTW.


Thanks guys! I'm really happy with the back wall now. I recommend trying it out if you get the opportunity.
So I went to the lfs today and asked about my GSPs. They told me to move them to high flow and more light. Also the worm things might be spaghetti worms; which they told me were beneficial. We'll see how they do. They are my favorite coral so I hope they pull thru.
And going back and forth about another fish, I've settled on another yellow wrasse. I just like the color they add and the benefits they offer.
Also I'll probably get some pep shrimps to help with cleaning. But thats after I get another bulb. I'm looking at a 75/25 (75% actinic I think), or maybe just another 10K. Any suggestions on bulbs? My actinic now puts out a lot of blue already, maybe something with a little red? I don't have much knowledge about the light spectrum.


I'm stopping by the LFS after class today to pick up a bulb. Its a Current 10K; pretty much just a replacement. Nothing exciting.
I'll be looking at corals there too. If I see a torch for the right price I'll snag that baby. Or anything with long tentacles (besides xenia), my wife decided the tank needed more movement lol.


Sorry for the delay, but here is the newest member to my tank:

Here are my GSPs. They are doing much better now that I put them in higher flow (and left them the hell alone lol)

So now I'm done with fish I think. My next project is to set up the sump. I've thrown caution to the wind and decided I want better filtration. It won't be too much more work to tear down when we move.
So that project will consist of getting an overflow operational, buying a return pump, and getting the baffles in place on the sump. Shouldn't be too much work just a lot of elbow grease. I'll take pictures of my progress once I get started.