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  1. ashleigh234

    What powerhead/s to get?

    We brought one powerhead today, it does 2500 litres per hour and have positioned it in the back blowing towards the front, will see how that works when we get a coral in there
  2. ashleigh234

    What powerhead/s to get?

    Why two different amounts? Also, where in the tank would be the best place?
  3. ashleigh234

    What powerhead/s to get?

    If I was to get one, how many litres per hour would it need to flow? And if I was to get two, how many litres per hour would each need to flow?
  4. ashleigh234

    What powerhead/s to get?

    It is going to have fish and corals, probably 3 fish and a few crabs or snails, and we will slowly build up corals. It currently has the standard filter that comes in the tank, and standard lighting
  5. ashleigh234

    What powerhead/s to get?

    Hi, I have a 20gallon corner tank, one of the curved ones. I am looking to buy a powerhead, or two if I am going to need two. Any ideas on where in the tank they would be best suited and what sort to get? And also whether one would be enough or am I going to need two. Here is a pic of the tank
  6. ashleigh234

    Nitrite not going down - help

    We dont feed a whole cube, we get several days out of one cube. We don't have any powerheads in there yet, I had a look at some, but had no idea what to buy (we have a corner tank) - any suggestions? The rocks in the tank were kind of blocking the bottom of the filter so I don't think it could...
  7. ashleigh234

    Nitrite not going down - help

    PH is on 8.2, and not sure of alkalinity, don't have a test kit for that. We are using the Salt Water Master Liquid Test Kit from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.
  8. ashleigh234

    Nitrite not going down - help

    Does it seem that it's near the end of the cycle?
  9. ashleigh234

    Nitrite not going down - help

    We have a 20 gallon tank and it has been set up for 3 weeks? I think, but still hasn't finished cycling, we didn't use live rock or sand. We had really high ammonia for a week, it was on 8.0ppm, everyone on this site recommended water changes, we did about 3 or 4 water changes, about 10% each...
  10. ashleigh234

    Nitrite not going down - help

    We have a 20 gallon tank and it has been set up for 3 weeks? I think, but still hasn't finished cycling, we didn't use live rock or sand. We had really high ammonia for a week, it was on 8.0ppm, everyone on this site recommended water changes, we did about 3 or 4 water changes, about 10% each...
  11. ashleigh234

    Post a pic of your nano

    Here's my tank, just finished cycling so nothing in it yet
  12. ashleigh234

    20g - how many fish & corals

    We have a 20 gallon tank, we haven't had it set up for long, just wondering how many fish we could keep in the tank and how many corals (if there is a limit on corals), just want to make sure we pick the ones we want first time
  13. ashleigh234

    Very High ammonia while cycling - not dropping

    Yea, very surprised he is still alive, still swimming and eating happily as ever too. Will a 50% water change in a 20g tank be too much? or just do maybe 20% 2-3 times a week until we see a change?
  14. ashleigh234

    Very High ammonia while cycling - not dropping

    sorry, the first water change i did was 15%
  15. ashleigh234

    Very High ammonia while cycling - not dropping

    There is a damsel in the tank, I have done 3 x 10% water changes in the last week (probably the last half a week really). Will it take longer with a fish in there?
  16. ashleigh234

    Very High ammonia while cycling - not dropping

    Have done 3 water changes all up in the last week: Ammonia: 0 Nitrate: 10 Nitrite: 5.0 pH: 8.0 The ammonia has been on 0 for 2-3 days now, how long would it normally take for the nitrite to drop? Water changes don't seem to make it drop (and the water changes aren't making the Nitrates drop...
  17. ashleigh234

    Do I need the ceramic noodles (for biological mechanical filtration)?

    So, all in all, am i safe to take the ceramic noodles out for good?
  18. ashleigh234

    Do I need the ceramic noodles (for biological mechanical filtration)?

    Hi everyone, We have just brought a Protein Remover from our LFS which goes in the filter. We have had Ceramic Noodles and a Carbon Bag in there since the beginning. But now, we don't have much room - am I able to take the ceramic noodles out? Or should I take the Carbon bag out? Or are these...
  19. ashleigh234

    Very High ammonia while cycling - not dropping

    I'm not too sure what has happened, but its good news: Ammonia is now on 1.0 PH is finally on 8.2 Nitrates are on 10 and Nitrites are on 5.0 It's been 3 days since the 15% water change and 2 days since last test. I am assuming this is all good news and that the tank is finally doing what it...