Post a pic of your nano


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
im getting a 29g going soon, how does ur yellow tang do in there? I want one but everyone one this site says a cant. My very honest LFS says i can too, i was just wondering if urs is like crammed of anything.
BTW nice tank, what other fish are in therE?

have you ever seen a full grown yellow tang, yes it would be very cramped in there, there is a difference in little space to swim in and no room to swim, a 30 is just to small


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Is your linkia doing ok in that new of a tank? I thought that they had to be in a VERY well established tank?

ya and need 100 lb of live rock


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
have you ever seen a full grown yellow tang, yes it would be very cramped in there, there is a difference in little space to swim in and no room to swim, a 30 is just to small
ya i have but his tang isnt that big and it would take years to get that big


Originally Posted by HowardJ
WoW! That is awesome!
What kind of fish to you have? mandarins? I noticed you have "Pods"
Are you talking about mine? If so, thank you. And no mandarins, just a lawnmower blenny and a pajama cardinal. I do have pods but I think you're seeing the shells of spirobis spiral worms. I had them all over the back of my tank but they are dried up now and I'm starting to get the coraline patches. I've been adding things slowly. Pretty normal I believe for 5 mos old.


You all are right and unfortunately I did have to learn the hard way with both.
Its really sad that some LFS's will sell you just about ANYTHING to make a buck.
The tang did very well for the 3 weeks that I had him... swimming, eating... I came home one afternoon and he was dead. LFS said the small tang would be fine in there... Guess Not.
Another LFS sold me the Starfish. Told me it would do great... After noticing he wasnt doing as well as the guy at the LFS said he would, I started researching them and saw that I didnt have anything CLOSE to the requirements to keep it alive/well. I found that out too late too. He didnt make it

Its kind of hard being new to the hobby and depending on your "trusted" LFS for accurate info when as I learned from both my dead tang and starfish.. you cant believe them for S**t


rdannon, I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way. The LFS stores are businesses, and unfortunately, will usually agree with anything you say and want. You really have to do your homework ahead of time to know what is best for your own set-up. And while doing that research, you will find many different opinions at the same time. So, before making a final decision, all you can do is get as much info as you can and then make your own informed decision. Most of the 'experienced' hobbiests on this site are very knowledgable and their advice is worth listening to. But, that's not to say that there are some here that will contradict even those with a lot of experience. There, too, you have to make your own decisions. You will come to know what sounds reasonable and what sounds farfetched. Don't be too hard on yourself, we are all just human after all.


Active Member
hey i noticed you had a anemone in a new tank, would it be possible to put one of those in my QT i have setup or i should just leave it with the 1 LR ? I would like to have someone in there with my Black clown since he is lonely now :( Also redimpala01 the pic of the clown is nice and your tanks all look great.
Originally Posted by Worldwide Zoo
I know you said pic, but how about a video and pic. First the video which is 5mo. old at this point. This was before I contracted the dreaded motipora eating nudi's and before the tank was moved to it's current location.
<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src=""></embed>
If the embed doesn't work copy and paste this link in your browser.
The following are pics.

This is right before the move, but after the nudi's.
The rest are as it sits now.

And last but not least an overhead shot from last week. The tri color gets more purple everyday.

It's a 20xh w/ hang on back Emporer power filter(no filter just rubble, macro, and a bag of refugium mud), Prizm deluxe skimmer, Outer Orbit 24" w/reeflux 10k 150w HQI, 2 tunze 6025's, and 2 MJ1200's. Water changes @ 20% per week. I use Randy's 2 part for Alk and Cal. and reef plus Amino acids.
you have the best 20 gallon high i had ever seen, wow, that's what I'm talking about, and the hippo tang, who else CAN care for those in a small reef tank with out it being stressed, and killed , i know you got it on check, good husbandry, consistency, and knowledge too keep all that in a 20 gallon reef tank.

2 years on the hippo and still alive, well i give you lots of credit for that.


The pic of the pseudo and clown captured their official search for the engineer goby. Everywhere I went the pseudo went, poking around to let me know the engineer goby was not there! Oh where have you gone Mr Goby?



Active Member
Originally Posted by ccfl
My nano

Can you list what corals you have in that tank??
Also what size of tank is that ??


Here is a more recent pic of my 29 Biocube.
Its pretty much stocked to its max.
Now I will just sit back and watch things grow... Hopefully.
Im working on setting up a LARGE tank in the living room. So until then...


Originally Posted by rdannon331
Here is a more recent pic of my 29 Biocube.
Its pretty much stocked to its max.
Now I will just sit back and watch things grow... Hopefully.
Im working on setting up a LARGE tank in the living room. So until then...
Do I count 8 fish in there? Wow, that's a lot. How old is this tank?


Originally Posted by reefernana
Do I count 8 fish in there? Wow, that's a lot. How old is this tank?
i count nine