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  1. ballyhoo

    Worst skimmer in the world

    I will let you have my SEACLONE!!!
  2. ballyhoo

    Hurricane and natural disaster Checklist!!!

    I do have a generator. I wonder how long I should keep it on and how long I can leave it off. The way I see it, when you buy something online they ship it over night so thats about 12 hrs with out water movement or filtration. What do you think? :notsure: I mean It would suck if I was hit by a...
  3. ballyhoo

    I just bought a 72 bow. What should I do for lighting

    I'm building a 10'' canopy so I think that 2MH should be ok. spaced out evenly over the tank. The question is how many watts and how many "K" would be the best for the tank. What do I use to balance out the color and how many watts? I don't want lighting to be an issue via clams or ect..... Can...
  4. ballyhoo

    Hurricane and natural disaster Checklist!!!

    What are a list of things that you should have for your tank in case of a power outtage?
  5. ballyhoo

    I just bought a 72 bow. What should I do for lighting

    I'm gonna upgrade my 30g reef to 72g bow front and I'm currently building the stand and canopy. What do you guys think that I should do for lighting Please be specific. I don't want to spend a fortune on lights. I am good with wiring and building things, so any ideas would be great.
  6. ballyhoo

    Does a 30 gallon tank need a skimmer

    I have a skimmer rated for 90g in my 30g. I love it!!! you can tell the difference big time!!
  7. ballyhoo

    Would you pay 79$ for this? Tell me fast!

    Wow 79 in Fla? Where? I think thats a little steep! What area is this store in? I got a rock with a few different color zoos which was about 6inches for 40, and I still tried to talk them down :D
  8. ballyhoo

    How do you go from Wet dry to Refugium?

    I want to change my wet dry over to a refugium. How can I do it safely? My current wet-dry system is too small for me to fit my skimmer, heater, and pump, so I'm going to up grade. The Rufugium sump that I have has no room for bio balls. I don't think that should be a problem since I have about...
  9. ballyhoo

    What to do with SEA Water from the lfs

    I do have a walmart close by, But I get my RO from my lfs for .45 which is not much difference. I've been told by a couple of friends (that are also in the hobby) that the water from those machines at walmart and publix etc.. arent the best source for water. The water that comes from those...
  10. ballyhoo

    What to do with SEA Water from the lfs

    My lfs sells sea water by the gal for .50 which is pretty cheap I think, well then again I do live in Miami But I've been told that it is better to buy RO and salt then mix it my self so I always know what kind of water I have. The true question here is should I go through the trouble of...
  11. ballyhoo

    What to do with SEA Water from the lfs

    You think that the sea water that the pet store sells might be loaded with fish disease? they don't filter it some how? I've done a 10% change every two weeks with sea water bought from my fish store, and I thought it was OK to do so until I spoke with someone and they told me that it wasn't a...
  12. ballyhoo

    What to do with SEA Water from the lfs

    Do I have to do anything to it? Do I have to prep it in any way before I put it in my tank? Any Advice? :notsure:
  13. ballyhoo

    wet/dry to fuge

    Should I do it? How do I do it with out freaking my fish and corals out? I don't have room in my stand to do it little by little with both systems together. Should I wait until my tank is more established, its only 4 months old. I have 30g 47lbs lr 30lbs ls I don't think you guys really need...
  14. ballyhoo


    :scared: Or buy a peppermint shrimp just in case you have more that you don't know about.
  15. ballyhoo

    Colt is slightly touching my Clam

    Yea I noticed that it flinches every now and then when the colt touches it. I think I will have to frag
  16. ballyhoo

    Colt is slightly touching my Clam

    I'm wondering is this going to have any effect on my Clam. What Should I do, I'm pretty sure the clam might have attached itself. I've never trimmed my Colt so that might be an option if need be. If that is the option how should I do it?? Thanks
  17. ballyhoo

    White film on the surface of my tank

    I had the same problem, I don't have an overflow I just have a drilled tank with a PVC pipe up to my water line. What I noticed that the problem was the piece that I used to strain the water going in to my sump was straining alittle too much so I opened the holes a little bigger. Problem solved = )
  18. ballyhoo

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    Nice Tank, And I don't want to be negative but you should research alittle more on the prices that your getting. But if you are happy with the end result of the money that you spent then more power to you!! Thats all that matters. Peace :happyfish
  19. ballyhoo

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    Originally Posted by Jer4916 and just think i got my super sweat pants for only $5.95 at walmart. BANK! Man You got them super Cheap!!!! I bought some and they set me back $265.00, but mine are guaranteed to attract women!!!!! and glow in the dark.
  20. ballyhoo

    What is that White film ???

    Thank you all for your responses :yes: I will put the power heads in today and let you know how it goes. Also these are all small fish, about 1in or less, But I will most likely take the Chromis back to the pet store and keep it down to about 3 fish.