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  1. jab47303

    trip to my lfs tonight

    Hey Brit - was this the place in Muncie that I told you about? Or in Richmond? Anyway, if you want to shop where you can trust the advice, there's a place in Indy. I shouldn't mention them, as they are mostly internet based like SWF. But they do open for walk-in on certain days and it's worth a...
  2. jab47303

    Sump/Fuge Advice

    Thanks for the info. I found a nifty chart for Mag Drive flow rates versus pumping height - just what I needed. Any idea what a good flow rate would be?
  3. jab47303

    Sump/Fuge Advice

    I've got a 29g tank to which I'm adding a 20g sump/fuge (my Xmas from the wife). I've got most of if figured out, but I do have a few ?'s: I figure that after partitioning the tank, I'll have about 12-15g of water over an LS substrate. What would be some recomended plantlife or macro's? And...
  4. jab47303

    Powerheads off when feeding?

    If I turned mine off the bottom and slower feeders would hardly get anything, I used to do that. I do turn any filters off though. Everything is on a timer so I only had to mess with it once. The lights come on, the filter goes off for a couple of hours and I feed the tank. I turn the skimmer...
  5. jab47303

    how many GPH is the pump on your skimmer

    Here's a link to a 'Skimmer Design 101'. I thought this was interesting, and talks about how much water flow, and how much air etc. I used this info to DIY a skimmer that works quite well for me.
  6. jab47303

    coralline alge

    I am by no means an expert, but I got fascinated with coralline at one time and did a little reading, and here's what I found: Coralline stores calcium in the carbonate form. So I imagine this means it will help with PH buffering. Coralline helps to prevent the growth of other nuisance algae...
  7. jab47303

    Death of a Feather Duster

    I used to give a small feeding at night - maybe I could go back to that being as the activity seems to only take place at night. I'm always afraid of overfeeding in my small tank tho. I have enough problems keeping nitrates down right now. Another thing, I think the shrimp has a taste for the...
  8. jab47303

    Death of a Feather Duster

    A few weeks ago I got a feather duster from the LFS, and a pretty healthy one at that - had a nice big crown that stayed open most all the time - from day 1. For the past few weeks I've noticed that it's crown had been getting shorter and more ragged and the tube was receeding back into the...
  9. jab47303

    Even More ID Help

    Thank you all for the info! One of the things I like about this hobby is that it seems like every day is a new day for life in my tank. It's amazing how creatures seem to pop up out of nowhere. Thanks again. John B.
  10. jab47303

    Even More ID Help

    A few weeks agon I purchased these polyps from the LFS. Since then they have grown and multiplied, and there seems to be 2 distinct species that have developed on this rock. The polyps in the lower left are larger, have more and longer tentacles, and a 'mouth' that is rectangular. The other type...
  11. jab47303


    It's at 2014 N. Walnut St., 47303 You will probably come in to Muncie on SR 35, which becomes 29th St., which in turn dead-ends at Madison St. Turn right (N) on Madison St. Left (W) on Main St, and then right again on N. Walnut (N). Just stay on N. Walnut, and you'll know you are close when you...
  12. jab47303


    Brit - I try to buy all my dry goods online. In Muncie there is G & M Pets on N. Walnut (let me know if you need more specific directions). G & M has some nice displays, and are good people, so it's worth a visit. Sorry, but I don't know anyone selling a tank. Enjoy your day in Mucie.
  13. jab47303


    Brit: Hey I live in Muncie - kinda just down the road from you, and I get to Indy all the time. BTW - just wondering about your nic - are you a Brit? I'm an expat myself. Take care.
  14. jab47303


    Is this what they look like? I asked about this a while back, and I believe they are called mini-stars.
  15. jab47303

    More ID Help?

    Here's another bunch of critters that I've not been able to positively ID. I know they are probably some sort of starfish, but I have no idea which kind. Here's the pic. In case it's not clear enough - there should be a pair of them - off-white, in the center. And yes I used crushed coral for...
  16. jab47303

    Can Someone Help ID?

    Thanks all - I did a little research real quick - are these actually a type of fan worm? The camera is just an old Kodak that was retired where I work and I took it to nice home to live out the rest of it's years. It does have pretty good optics though. Thanks again, John Burns
  17. jab47303

    Can Someone Help ID?

    Hello: I've noticed quite a few small white creatures growing on the sides and back (where I don't scrape) of my tank. I have attached a picture I took this morning. The little things are 1 - 2mm in size. Any ideas? Are they good or bad? Thanks, John Burns
  18. jab47303

    Bubbles - good or not?

    Thank you all for the advice. Now I can get back to my tinkering with fewer worries. :) Scott: I'm not sure what fractioning process the skimmer would be classified as using. I found the idea and plans on a website and saved them to my hard-drive. It's by an Alexander Krob and named 'The...
  19. jab47303

    Bubbles - good or not?

    Hello, and first let me introduce myself. I've lurked here pretty much since starting my 29g tank in late July. I'm returning to the hobby after a 5 or 6 year hiatus (that was a whole other era in the hobby, if I remember correctly). Anyway, to my question. I'm currently in the process of...