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  1. sea goblin

    fish for thought

    ok, first off, welcome to the board. Second, how long has the tank been set up for, and are you cycling it? Also, what do you have for sand, how much? and do you have any live rock in there yet? if so how much? if not..are you planning on getting any? What kind of a tank do you want to have...
  2. sea goblin

    the greatist survival story known to man!!!

    When i had a fresh water tank i had a huge snail about the size of a half dollar or so. Well on christmas morning i couldnt find him any where in the tank, around the time that we were having dinner, i think around 6PM, i decided that i would check the back of the stand that the tank is on. Well...
  3. sea goblin

    Two tangs in a 80 gallon?

    defenitley dont put a purple in with the yellow, you will be asking for trouble. Rule number 1 when it comes to keeping multiple tangs in the same tank is to have 2 that are differant body shape. Yellow tangs, and purple tangs are almost identical in shape, and one would probably be killed by...
  4. sea goblin

    Need opinion on FREE Fish!!!

    You are correct, Angel fish need a tank that is very stable, and mature. If you are set on getting this fish then what you will need to do is provide it with good veggie items, and check your water quality several times a week, and be prepared to do a water change on the minute to bring any bad...
  5. sea goblin

    Bug of the Week - Cirolanid Isopods

    will cleaner shrimp help to keep these guys cleaned off of fish? Sea Goblin
  6. sea goblin

    could anyone post pic of colorful fish

    I think the emperor angel is gonna get too big for a 90, best to stick with a pygme angel in that size tank. Sea Goblin
  7. sea goblin

    hiding fish

    does the Angel pick on the fire fish at all? I would think that you are lucky that you got a pygme angel that is already eating, and that bold, they usually tend to be shy at first and then getting brave. They may just need time to adjust to the agel being in there, if it isnt picking on them...
  8. sea goblin

    boy im stupid!`

    Kickster, i must say that i am with you on this one..Take a vertibrate course, or a zoology course, and you will learn how organisms evolve and develope. Cold blooded animals regardless of size or environment will have their brain develope only to a certain point. They lack the abillity as to...
  9. sea goblin

    boy im stupid!`

    To quote one of the TV shows that i watch, "I am sure that both sides have merit". The show has nothing to do with fish or aquariums, but i works for many things. Sea Goblin
  10. sea goblin

    10 days into cycle

    Hmmm....I am curious about the results..I would think that after 10 days that there would be some detectable amounts of something in there. I suppose that it could be just taking a bit for the cycle to kick into gear. Hopefully in a couple of more days it will get up to speed. Keep us posted Sea...
  11. sea goblin

    10 days into cycle

    What are you using to cycle the tank with, and have your levels been anything differant than what you have now? Sea Goblin
  12. sea goblin

    Scarlet Hermits Dying

    are you sure that they are dead, and havent just molted? The molt will look very much like that actual critter because, was him untill he shed it off. Are the shells empty now? can you even find all the shells? If ths shells are nowhere to be seen then i would guess that they shed tho...
  13. sea goblin


    I think the general rule that people follow is to try to get your gph to = 10x the number of gallons the aquarium you would need around 460 gph. Sea Goblin
  14. sea goblin

    How long should I wait till I get fish?

    Also, a tang wouldnt be the best decision as a first fish. For one reason, they need mature stable tanks with algae to forage on inorder to do well, for another, they can become very agessive towards any new fish introduced to the tank. Try and find out what you would like to have in there for...
  15. sea goblin

    Silly Question

    Im pretty sure that many corals, and various other "good" things are on a cc's menu when it comes to food. They will eat just about anything they can get, snails, clams, other stars.....Maybe Ophiura well stop by to make sure...but i think that is the main reason. Sea Goblin
  16. sea goblin


    looks like red Cyno bacteria to me, that is bad. What do you have for flow in your tank? number of powerheads, and gph? Sea Goblin
  17. sea goblin

    OK to add some cleaners?

    2 weeks is a little short for a cycle, but not unheard of. The only thing that might be a problem is the sand sifting star. They need mature tanks, and a deep sand bed full of critters for them to eat. Also, how long did you spen acclimating the star? starfish can be very sensetive to sudden...
  18. sea goblin

    New Ocellaris Clowns...what do feed/how often?

    Clowns will eat anything that you put in the tank pretty much, flake, brine, mysid, other chopped seafoods.... Feed them 2 or three times a day, but dont over feed, can lead to algae porblems. Sea Goblin
  19. sea goblin

    Fish Selection Help Please?

    Kole tangs are one of the smaller tangs, and should do fine in his 75. I think Logan has already had extensive conversations on the subject ;) Sounds like a good selection, good luck to ya logan. Sea Goblin
  20. sea goblin

    i need fish

    If you want to get a Midas Blenny, then i think maybe a royal grama would be good. The problem with the purple fire fish is that it and the blenny will likely inhabit the same area, and with similar body size and shape they might fight. look into it though..and good luck with your 10 gallon, it...