Search results

  1. sea goblin

    Mantis Combatibility

    actually they would be very combatable. They would probably fight to the death, i think what you mean is "compatible", and as was stated...the mantis would do in your hawk, he would thank you for the nice meal though. If you cant get credit maybe see if you can just make a switch, that hawk for...
  2. sea goblin

    Lions with Lions?

    Can you mix differant lions with each other? Like could you have the large lions with the dwarf lions or would the dwarfs get eaten by the large guys? Im just kinda wondering, i have no plans to do a tank with lions soon, but i thought it would be cool to have a tank full of differant kinds of...
  3. sea goblin

    Fish Selection Help Please?

    I have never had a sixline wrasse, from what i understand though i dont think they are a very picky eater. I'm not 100% sure on it though, so hopefully someone else can clarify. Sea Goblin
  4. sea goblin

    about lighting for a tank?

    Fish are fine with any kind of light. For corals it all depends on what kind you want keep. M/h = Metal halide. Its what many people use for sps type corals, and infact its just about required for them. What kind of corals do you like? specific names would help in determining what kind of light...
  5. sea goblin

    Fish Selection Help Please?

    how about a couple of fire fish, maybe a pygme angel down the road. You have one blue green cromis maybe add a few more to get a nice little school? i know some one is gonna say get a sixline wrasse....they seam to be quite popular....lots of choices for a 75 gallon. You still planing...
  6. sea goblin

    water has white haze

    I should also add that you need to do a water change if you have ammonia with those fish and inverts in there....ammonia is very deadly to them, even is small amounts such as you have Sea Goblin
  7. sea goblin

    water has white haze

    the white haze is probably from the it decreases it will go away. Sea Goblin
  8. sea goblin

    Help Identify this Sea Urchin

    Most people that i have talked to say that they have improved growth of coralline algae due to the urchin's munching which spreads the algae spores. In general i think most sea urchins are reef safe but certain precautions need to be taken. Rocks and corals must be securely glued to prevent the...
  9. sea goblin

    I'm Stocked now

    its nice to see that great minds think alike, as i too have a yellow tail damsel, coral beuty, and an ocellris clown in my 30 gallon.:cool: Sea Goblin
  10. sea goblin

    Mantis shrimp sells the pecock mantis for $35 i think. Its the only place that i have come accross that sells them online. If you need cheep sand you can get it at a home depot or other home hardware places. They sell play sand for like $5 for a 50 lbs bag. If you can, get southdown, if not then quick...
  11. sea goblin

    reef lighting

    if you want to keep just softies and shrooms then PC or VHO would work fine for you. Rough rule of thumb would be probably 3-4 watts per gallon on that setup. So something like 225 to 300 watts would be good. This is just a suggestion, you can use metal halide if you would prefer that, it would...
  12. sea goblin

    Sea Urchins??

    the pencil urchin is not poisonous i believe...the spiny is. Sea urchins in a reaf tank are tricky because they can tople rocks over onto corals. so you need to be sure that they are well secured to prevent this. Also, i think the pencil urchin is omnivor....and is more likely to eat watever is...
  13. sea goblin


    I dont think parasite and beneficial go hand in hand, it probably isnt a symbiotic relationship between the two. I would try to get rid of it. If the meds arent working maybe try getting a pair of cleaner shrimp. They are very nice additions to the aquarium, and will most likely be more than...
  14. sea goblin

    Food for bacteria

    I would think providing flake food would work. Just feed as though you had several fish in there i guess. It might be perfectly fine for you to do nothing if its just gonna be a few weeks though. Sea Goblin
  15. sea goblin

    stupid damsels!!!!!!!!!

    I think to say that "a damsel is a damsel is a damsel" might not be the most correct statment, while it is true that many are agresive by nature there is a distinct personality to the fish as well. I would not just take them out because they are a damsel, leave them in and watch them after you...
  16. sea goblin

    OT-- Spell Checker

    All hail to the spell checker!!! That little invention is what is keeping me in college, and what got me through high school.
  17. sea goblin

    Brown Stuff

    sounds maybe like diatoms...not sure with out a picture or better description, but it sounds like the typical "i have brown stuff all over my tank how do i get rid ot it" plea. Sometimes it goes away by itself. Im not to sure about it, i havent had much of a run in with the stuff. The little bit...
  18. sea goblin

    new but cycled tank

    clown was first fish i got after my tank cycled:D
  19. sea goblin

    is this normal

    its probably more likely that what you saw was the molt of the blue leg, and he still has his shell just now he has gone off to hide while is carapace hardens up. Blue legs are much more agressive than scarlets tend to be, most people report having a smaller blue leg take on a larger scarlet and...
  20. sea goblin

    I want a Mandarin

    do you have a fuge that you can use to "grow" pods? if you do then i say it should be ok, if not though, it probably would be better to have just a little bit more. I have never owned one, but i understand that they can depleat a tank of pods in short time. It might be good to wait and get a few...