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  1. sea goblin

    fish cant feel pain, scientist conclude

    I dont want to start getting into religion with this idea. People have differant views on everything. I believe science, and this is MY opinion. Faith and science are often against each other. I dont think of the good book as scientific fact, but i will not say you are stupid for believing in...
  2. sea goblin

    fish cant feel pain, scientist conclude

    The idea of animals feeling pain cannot be compared to ourselves or differant animals for that matter. Differant organisms have differant levels of developed nervous systems that help in determining touch, hot cold sensations, and even pain. All animals do not feel in the same way that we do. To...
  3. sea goblin

    A Compatibility question???

    I have a tank that is almost the exact same set up as what you want to have. My yellow tail damsel is very friendly with the other fish in the tank those being an occelaris clown, and a coral beauty. He was the only damsel that i kept of the 3 that i used to cycle my tank and has been in there...
  4. sea goblin

    Ocellaris Clownfish

  5. sea goblin

    Ocellaris Clownfish

    I have one Ocellaris Clownfish in my tank right now that has been in there for probably close to a year now, my question is could i add another Ocellaris Clownfish in the tank? Im still thinking about even if i really want to do that though, even if they would get along. I only have a 30...
  6. sea goblin


    OK guys, do a search for urchin ID, there arent very many of them on there, its about the fourth one down and it was started by me "sea Goblin". Read down through it, it has a picture in there of the kind that i have, and people talk about how they like them. They are the ones that i have in my...
  7. sea goblin


    I stole this comment from Bang Guy's response to my question on Urchins "I have 6 L_a_c_u_n_t_e_r in my reef. They are a wonderful addition IMO. Just be careful about where you stick you hand" Hope you dont mind Bang Guy:) Sea Goblin
  8. sea goblin

    reef ready?

    If your tank already has a good amount of live rock in it then you dont need to buy anymore live rock at all. The tank should be mature though at atleast 5-6 months old. It would help if we knew what lighting you have right now on the tank. Make sure you have good water peramaters too. The usual...
  9. sea goblin

    red leg hermit crab

    I think red legs are more active at night, atleast mine seem to be. Every time that i turn off the lights the crabs start moving about. I too have seen my red legs bury them selves in the sand, its kinda funny to see. He will usually sit there for a while and by the end of the day or by the...
  10. sea goblin


    If you dont want to use all live sand to start, and would like to use the cheaper "dead" sand, see if you have a place neer you that sells southdown. Many people on this board use it, and they just seed it with a little bit of live sand. Saves some money and still looks good as well as not being...
  11. sea goblin

    Questio about lighting

    A fish only aquarium does not need metal halides, you should be fine with the 40 wats that you have right now. All you need light for is so that you can see your happy little fish. Down the road though if you wanted to add corals you would need to get a better lighting system. Sea Goblin
  12. sea goblin

    ***** Cruelty

    May i suggest that rather than have all of the *****'s in the world get shut down that we get to the root of the problem. That is there is nothing protecting the living organisms that we all buy for our home aquariums. the very fact that you want to shut down ***** would mean that you would also...
  13. sea goblin

    Sexy shrimp

    I dont have one, but i did come across some info on them off the net. The Sexy Anemone Shrimp is a fascinating shrimp that exhibits an unusual trait of swaying its abdomen back and forth, hence the name Sexy shrimp. This species is usually found among the tentacles of an anemone, but in the reef...
  14. sea goblin

    got a neat pic the other day... wanted to share

    Hey thats cool, I live in Marathon (atleast when i am home from college i do) I shop at creature comforts too, your right though, it isnt always in the best looking condition. I never even herd of the other place, i guess i will have to go and check it out some time. A groupe thing would be...
  15. sea goblin

    got a neat pic the other day... wanted to share

    Hey Jackson thats a really cool pic, one qustion though, what lfs do you shop at down there in Vestal area? Sea Goblin
  16. sea goblin

    green hair algea

    Yup the Lawnmower Blenny is what lots of people like to use for hair algea, but i think Thomas712 makes a good point, rather than just buy another fish or other criter to deal with the problem see what the cause of the problem is in the first place. Sea goblin
  17. sea goblin

    OT: You Americans got it easy!

    Hey, all of you guys should just feel happy that none of the scientists from the arctic are here. They would shoot down your claims for worst weather in a second. :p Sea Goblin
  18. sea goblin

    too many tangs to shake a stick at

    Wow!!!! i didnt check for a day, and my post erupted into humor. You guys are too funny, I dont even mind that you guys took it over. :D
  19. sea goblin

    Feeding a Marine Betta

    I dont know much about them, but i did find this info on a online site. When first introduced into a tank it is shy and may have difficulty feeding. Using live foods such as feeder fish or shrimp will help it adjust. Once acclimated, it can be fed meaty foods and frozen preparations 2-4 times...
  20. sea goblin

    OT: Posts should come with warning lables

    Good one Slothy, where would the world be without some good ol' fashin humore? :)