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  1. rlv695

    Quarantine Tank

    its not just the water that has the bacteria in it...helps but its not all thats needed..might try letting the hang on filter be in main tank a few weeks too...then it get same bact, that in main...
  2. rlv695


    are you talking about the post you have labled Mr, Salty?....if so then either hes not come on to se it and seeing as it labled for him then most wont post a reply.. just remember...... us shraks dont live on the BB...we do have a life other then here too...just wait and see if he does answer...
  3. rlv695

    Quarantine Tank

    i would not use LR for a qt tank.... sometimes you will need it as hospital tank so .. lr might die durring treatments..use base rock if needed...mayby some CC...and yes a hang onfilter will do...a biowheell will work...a damsel tooo cycle would help...just keep him in there to keepp tank going....
  4. rlv695

    Prizm Question

    i have heard this is common with prizms.. soo yes you close it as much as needed to keep bulbbes from comeing into tank..for the first few days you might have to keeppp adjusting the vavle a little..but the floww is ok at any will be supprised at to what it will do at what seems a...
  5. rlv695

    You tell em Mr. Salty.

    i with all the sharks on this... SWF daoes all a grave favor by having this BB... lets try to keep the topics in the correct heading and PLEASE dont put them in more then one section.... :D
  6. rlv695

    Amps on the Cirucuit Breaker?

    i wouldnt thin the lighting would have to be on a gfi... its not in contact with the wate like pumps.heater.power heads.. skimmer.... so i would put lights on the outlet not on gfi...and lets see if anyone else agrees....
  7. rlv695

    backup power unit

    just like buying a tank... buy the biggest storage watts as possable.. and yes it would run them for a few hrs... also keep an eye in papers for a small gen. sometimes can be bought as cheap as back up ppower supply...and can also be used to run freezer or a few light for the house...
  8. rlv695

    Submerging heaters

    if you judt bought them ... i would take back and get fully submursable ones...then there no prob with it sticking out of tank...
  9. rlv695

    OT: What size tank does everyone have?

    yeppp bad place ill move it Aquiriam...
  10. rlv695

    Live Sand / Playground Sand? are correct inn the washing of the sand... as long as its not live sand... dont wash it at,the HD sand.. also called tropical play sand is from the crib. sea so its safe yo use in a tank.. other play sands however are not... also..zaxs.. i see your in norfolk.. im in...
  11. rlv695

    My own webpage

    Very nice job..i like the nano reef.. and the pond... well its been said befor...awwsummmm....
  12. rlv695

    New tank What do ya think

    sounds like a good deal to me.. what have you go to loose? isnt that the size tank you wanted?
  13. rlv695

    damm heater !!

    another reason to go with two half strength heaters.. one malfutions .. its not strong enough to over heat a tank...try that in your main tank.. might be better off....
  14. rlv695

    can i retro my 20" hood for a 24" light

    you will need to look on ballest and see if eill sopport the use of a higher watt bulb...24" usaly higher then 20"...if Home depot for replacemrnt...if your into diy lighing
  15. rlv695

    Quick Pic of my new Strawberry Hermit Crab!

    i see d9d ... sorry.. try again
  16. rlv695

    More PIcture

    nice looking tank...let me geuss... you like feather dusters???lol...still nice looking tank...
  17. rlv695

    Switching from CC to Lieve Sand, Please Help

    i would pull everyone into NEW buckets and do the change...but dont do all im one a thired at a time so as not to make tank go through a new cycle again...
  18. rlv695

    finally, a tank picture.

    looking good.... hope to get that way one day
  19. rlv695

    finally, a tank picture.

    i tried to look... but no pic... might have to reload the pic to the site again
  20. rlv695

    Cycle Ending Questions

    the green algee is a good sign.. you need to get rid of the incadecant bulp...there not good for salt for cleaning the tank...go for cleaning the glass..has you finished the cycle? if you can post your reading it would help..