Search results

  1. miles o'reef

    Tank Equipment

    I am so glad to hear that you are doing planning, doing research and asking questions first. So many jump in head first and ask questions later. :) Protein Skimmer - My tank is currently skimmerless but, I hear that CPR BakPak's are a good brand. Power Heads - Maxi Jets are a great brand. Salt...
  2. miles o'reef


    Having patience and taking things slow is a vital key to success in this hobby. I know it's hard to practice this (I should know) but you'll be happier and have less headaches. :) One other thing, I know that you moved your damsel out of the other tank because of concern for its health but...
  3. miles o'reef


    I sympathize with you regarding the confusing water tests - they can be frustrating. I used to drive my wife nuts with the constant testing and bugging her with "what color do you think this matches" So how long has the 20gal been setup? Has it fully cycled? Cycles can vary from tank to tank...
  4. miles o'reef

    Anenome question

    Yep, he's eating. He consumed a piece of squid on Monday. Haven't fed him directly since - didn't want to overfeed and I read that they only need to be fed a couple of times a week. Is that right? Thanks for your input :) I guess I just needed the reassurance. Miles
  5. miles o'reef


    Welcome to the board! :D So in the last 7 days, you added 3 fish to the 20 gallon? You added these fish too quickly. It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks between adding fish to allow you tank to adjust to the new bio load. A small ammonia spike is normal when adding a new fish...
  6. miles o'reef

    Anenome question

    I have 130 watts of PC lighting - 10K daylight and 7100K actinic. My test readings as of yesterday are: PH: 8.3 Ammonia: 0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 5ppm CarsGirlsNFish, my gs maroon does the same thing. He is constantly trying to snuggle up into it at night - I wonder if he gets any sleep! Miles
  7. miles o'reef

    Anenome question

    My bubble tip anenome appears healthy and beautiful when the lights are on but when it gets close to the time when the lights go off, it kind of shrivels up, droops, and it's tentacle appear stringy (drives my maroon clown nuts!) Is this normal? The anenome has been in my tank for over a week...
  8. miles o'reef

    Tank Recomendations

    I agree with Rick. It is recommended to keep your lights off during a cycle anyway so, go with the LR as it will help with the cycle. Miles
  9. miles o'reef

    Missing Domino Damsel

    None of the fish you listed will eat a domino damsel but, look out, damsels can be very aggressive. A couple of things about your setup: Your bio load is high! You have way too many fish for your size tank. The mandarin is a difficult species to keep. It requires lots of live rock and a very...
  10. miles o'reef

    OT: A little venting

    I agree with ophiura, once you find a good store, stick with them. I found a good store where the owner and workers are honest, give great advice, and encourage customers to educate themselves. Even though his store is not impressive and his prices may not be as cheap as that of other stores...
  11. miles o'reef

    Need opinion

    Your test readings are a bit peculiar (esp. the nitrates) - you may want to try a different test kit. You may have added the hermits a bit early but they are pretty hardy and may be fine. I would hold off on the water change as it sounds like your tank is still cycling and a water change at...
  12. miles o'reef

    Help with my fish please

    I would hold off adding any more fish for a little while just make sure that there is nothing wrong with your tank. It may not be a problem with your tank, maybe it wasn't a healthy specimen from the LFS as sometimes it takes a while before problems with a specimen begin to appear. IMHO, it is...
  13. miles o'reef

    JBJ Powerheads

    Has anyone had experience with powerheads from JBJ? (Yep, the same company that produces the power compact lights) My LFS had them for sale @ a great price - $14.99 for one rated at 250gph (not totally sure if this was the rating). I posted this in the "New Hobbyist" board but, I thought that...
  14. miles o'reef

    JBJ Powerheads

    Has anyone had experience with powerheads from JBJ? (Yep, the same company that produces the power compact lights) My LFS had them for sale @ a great price - $14.99 for one rated at 250gph (not totally sure if this was the rating). Miles
  15. miles o'reef


    Welcome to the board! :D 1. Regarding lighting, it is suggested that lighting for a reef tank should be 3-5 watts per gallon. What is the size of the tank you're converting? 2. Regarding live rock - Yes, adding live rock may cause a temp spike in ammonia because there will probably be some die...
  16. miles o'reef

    Help, my cleaning crew keeps dying.

    You mentioned that all of your fish are doing fine. What fish do you have in this tank? What are all of the inhabitants of your tank? It could be that you have incompatible tank mates. Also, jja what part of MI are you from? I live in Clio (north of Flint, south of Birch Run). Miles
  17. miles o'reef

    Snail questions

    Those look very similar to mine except that mine have black shells and bodies. Ran out of batteries for my digital camera so hopefully I can get a picture of them this evening. Thanks for the pics.
  18. miles o'reef

    Snail questions

    Thanks guys for your responses. The snails that I got black with black cone shaped shells. I'll also try to snap a picture of them this evening. I hope they didn't sell me the wrong ones :( Miles
  19. miles o'reef

    Snail questions

    Jim, I agree with you that my tank is still a baby! I will change my sig to say "started 11/02" instead of "established 11/04/02". I'm trying to take things slow (though my wife may disagree!) and learn as much as I can and this board has been great! Thanks for you experience/input. I was...
  20. miles o'reef

    Snail questions

    Hi, I'm new to the board and new to the hobby and I'm addicted to both! My tank has been established now for 68 days and so far no problems. Three days ago, I added 10 mexican turbo snails to my 29g reef (the quantity of snails being the advice of my LFS) and yesterday I added 4 nassarius...