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  1. shwstpr88

    911 QT tank just cycled WITH FISH IN IT!

    Any advice on my seperation question?
  2. shwstpr88

    911 QT tank just cycled WITH FISH IN IT!

    until they go back to the 125 should I remove the small fish from that 55 and into my 30 which is also in hypo?
  3. shwstpr88

    911 QT tank just cycled WITH FISH IN IT!

    This is getting more frustatring puffer is eating fish now!!! grrr He ate a firefish goby and last night one of my mated pair clowns are missing!!! Should I move my other clown, cleaner wrasse and blue spot puffer (little guy) to the 30gal with my cowfish? His water is prestine and...
  4. shwstpr88

    Two fish are completley missing!

    Maybe I should take out the smaller ones today add them to my 30gal?
  5. shwstpr88

    Two fish are completley missing!

    damnit should I be concerned now about the other fish? I still have another clown in there they WERE a mated pair. I have Ich in the DT so I have them all in a 55 QT tank.
  6. shwstpr88

    Two fish are completley missing!

    Ok Im a bit steamed right now....I have my fish in a 55gal QT treating ick currently in hypo. Only a couple pieces of PVC pipe in there. over the last week a firefish and now on my CLOWN fish are gone!!! they didnt jump its in small bathroom tile floor and i searched everywhere. Do you think...
  7. shwstpr88

    Will they be okay? :(

    Also test kits, what are your levels at? amm, nitrite, ph, nitrate?
  8. shwstpr88

    Will they be okay? :(

    You didnt mention any power heads during your question. Is your only source of water flow your filter? If so that is more than likely the issue you dont need nor want a bubbler in a saltwater tank so get rid of that. You do want to go out and get yourself a koralia pump rated for your tank I...
  9. shwstpr88

    911 QT tank just cycled WITH FISH IN IT!

    Im already in hypo FYI.
  10. shwstpr88

    911 QT tank just cycled WITH FISH IN IT!

    Ok well ya been doing 10% minimum for the last 9 days. BTW thanks for the food reply he was just being fickle threw some squid in there and GONE! lol He's ok just being difficult
  11. shwstpr88

    911 QT tank just cycled WITH FISH IN IT!

    Numbers are right back up again today just did a 10% and am noticing my puffer isnt eating all that much everyone else, I think he is acting normal but distracted by his twin brother in the glass goof ball. Howver on a scale of 1 to 10 I am at 3 having concered cause he didnt eat yesterday and...
  12. shwstpr88

    911 QT tank just cycled WITH FISH IN IT!

    Hey Beth last night I had an amm spike to 2.0 I did a 30% water change last night and levels were back to amm .5 nitrite .25 Today however the ammonia is about .5 but the nitrites went to 1.0 How do I proceed I dont want to change out too much water without being told to. I need to find out...
  13. shwstpr88

    new ro/di

    Originally Posted by robertmathern dude if your rodi is not working right change the filters. I dont see getting another system. +1
  14. shwstpr88

    I feel like a cold blooded murderer

    Guilty until proven innocent.
  15. shwstpr88

    Want a new clam but know nothing....

    Thanks for the info so far I appreciate it. My T5's create about 470W of light in my 125gal tank. If that helps, I thought they would be ok.... Anyways are any of the clams easier or better than others what sets them apart as they all kinda look the same aside from color?
  16. shwstpr88

    So what is the overall consensus on best power head?

    Cranberry, are you an accountant or a tax attorney or somthing!?
  17. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    OK cowfish is 100% again all ich has cleared hopfully that was the last outbreak since he has been in hypo for about a week now. Quick question in my empty DT how long till the ICH dies in there since there is no host?
  18. shwstpr88


    Looooooove the light just only flaw is no blue moon LED's.
  19. shwstpr88

    This is what really bothers me about most "conservatives"...

    Hey im not racist I have a friend thats black! LOL sorry had to. Dude I dont know where you come from but maybe you need to move, come to a true melting pot city like chicago. Here we dont care what race or income level you have as we hate you all equally!
  20. shwstpr88

    Any body into muscle cars heres my other hobby.....

    NIIIICE I love the smokey car!!! Yes i do have more of it done, I will post some gotta find em and throw em on photobucket. oh and no I preferred the fred flintstone breaks so no floors lol jk