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  1. shwstpr88

    Sump "Diary"

    Lowes did have it, but only in the little tubes that make your hands hurt. I bought a large tube for a caulk gun for like 10 bucks plus 4 to ship on yabe.
  2. shwstpr88

    Sump "Diary"

    For construction sounds like your all set. Then youll just needs rubble rock, live sand, and macros. I'm actually starting to sell my Macro's on the auction site trying it out for the first time I figure it might have some value since I do have pods and amphi and cope in there lol. Just make...
  3. shwstpr88

    Sump "Diary"

    Thanks for the compliment, I hope it turns out for ya, let me know if you need anything!
  4. shwstpr88

    to get a bigger tank or not get a bigger tank...tis the question

    CL for the heavy stuff and yabe for all the light stuff you really cant go wrong. You will catch me dead if I pay retail for just about anything. Especially in a bad economy stretch those dollars, the good new is, you can and its easy as pie. You can even get lucky on the FREE section of CL...
  5. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    OK the cowfish is in the HT as we speak doing very well I bought him some vitamin enriched freeze dried brine shrimp figured it couldnt hurt. I will also feed him mysis shrimps. I took out two litres of tank water tonight and added two liters of RO water so figure 1 gallon? I will check...
  6. shwstpr88

    YAY New lights!!!

    Hey thanks for all suggestions I cant wait for it to get here. And yes it is the nova extreme PRO! So each light has its own individual reflector!
  7. shwstpr88

    Sump "Diary"

    All done guys!!! Here are my pictures of the final design BUILT! Just gotta wait 24 hours to dry and under the tank it goes! Thanks again everyone for all the help during the design and picking the right skimmer I am way too excited to put it in now! I will post more pictures tomorrow when I...
  8. shwstpr88

    YAY New lights!!!

    Yay I just won a new 72" Nova Extreme 12 light T5HO for....300 bucks!!! I am so excited to get some corals now!!! I would love it if you guys could suggest some stuff I can start out with, I have a finger sponge right now and a Flower pot coral. I cant wait for this thing to come in!!!
  9. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    Thank you Beth! I have the cowfish in the 30g in a ziplock back acclimating to temperature right now. I am starting with him since he has the worst of the simptoms the others look pretty good actually So I will setup the 55 after the weekened for them to starty them on hypo the cowfish (Moo)...
  10. shwstpr88

    Are all refractometers the same?

    Immensly! Thanks!
  11. shwstpr88

    Sump "Diary"

    OK it finally took a charge..... This is the lip that will hold the filter pad: The rest: No way this is gonna collapse this time 3/8 thick: More pictures of the complete project tonight!!!
  12. shwstpr88

    Sump "Diary"

    Ok more progress last night the acrylic sheet came in and boy did I get LUUUUUUUUUUUCKY! I called a local plastic shop just for grins to see how much they would charge and they said like 15 dollars so I though heck to get exact cuts and not break any peices and to keep my sanity why not. So I...
  13. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    I dont have a refractometer I am currently lookingo to buy one as we speak I just posted a quesiton on which to buy or if they are all the same. Could you point me to the link where I can find the hypo procedure? Thank you for your help again. Also so basically I should take out all my fish im...
  14. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    I have a 125 gal almost reef I have one coral one sponge, I do have live rock about 130lbs counting the sump the sump has 3in sand bed the DT has a 1-2in bed. I have shrimp, hermits, pods etc.
  15. shwstpr88

    Are all refractometers the same?

    I just bought one of these cause I will be doing Hypo. Can you tell me what I need to do to get it ready and calibrated, is it hard to do? I just want to get a head start before it gets here, thanks! Thanks!
  16. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    Thanks for replying Beth, I was looking last night and my Porc Puffer looks like he MIGHT have somthing white spots on him but they are not raised like the cow fishes. I also have royal dottyback that all the sudden looks like he has faded coloring as well. I currently have a 30 gal tank thats...
  17. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    He seems to be swimming well and acting normal but geez I really wanna help him hes one of my favorite fish, poor guy. I will be up for a while if someone can chime in I will send him downstairs and hypo ASAP, but if its in the whole tank, hence the puffer please let me know if procedures need...
  18. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    I do have a 30 gal setup downstairs has damsels in it they never bother him though when they were in the DT tank it wouldnt bother me to take them out though if they bother him. However is my entire tank at risk now? Now that I notice my porc puffer has some VERY small white spots as well.
  19. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    I have him in a 125 gal tank with about 8 other fish plus shirmps hermits etc. Plus a flower pot coral. Should I try hypo?