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  1. acez28

    What type of fish have you lost.....

    Just wondering what type of fish has everyone lost.....over all the years of having SW tanks Me: 1.Porcupine Puffer 2.Red Scopion Fish 3.2 Domino Damsels 4.Volitan Lionfish My GF 1.Flame Angel 2.Mandarin Goby 3.FireFish 4.Domino Damsel 5.2 Clownfish
  2. acez28

    Should have posted it here...not reef tanks...duh!

    get some snails....they will help keep the glass clean
  3. acez28

    Need your help raising my Mandarin Dragonet

    Mandarins need a mature the least about 6 months to a year old. I say take him back to ur LFS. Otherwise he will starve slowly.
  4. acez28

    i want.....

    not puffer has been living months with my CBS. My huma huma stayed 1 year with my CBS
  5. acez28

    i want.....

    i would say get the cleanup crew.....they help with my tank alot. My puffer is a very messy eater and they usually are on what he drops in seconds.
  6. acez28

    Okay, I'm back

    Porcupine Puffer.....very pretty blue eyes, compatible with most fish, mobile........well they get around fine :)
  7. acez28

    cowfish ?

    i seen about 3 people on here that have one. In the right conditions they will be easy to care for but they are for the experts. They require prestine water conditions and from what i heard they are hard to get to eat. You would need a mature tank....if you plan on getting one i say read alot...
  8. acez28

    ammonia spike? ( and a thank you)

    it varies....mine only went up to 2.5 then dropped back down.
  9. acez28

    What I have, can I add anymore

    ha! I have all this in a 29gal: Porcupine Puffer Flame Angel 2 Damsels 2 Pink Skunk Clowns Sailfin Tang But only because of a ick outbreak in my main tank. I say get rid of the damsels also. Then you should be fine with a FA.
  10. acez28


    i have 5 turbo snails and i cant say i ever seen them crap but they go on rocks, glass, sand, hermits, overflow, and the mag float. Mine are everywhere...only thing i dont like is the littele snail trails they leave.
  11. acez28

    Feeding a Yellow Tang

    here is a pic
  12. acez28

    about triggers and my size tank??

    depends on the type of fish you buy. And yes triggers will eat hermits. Thats why i got rid of mine. I had a huma huma....and it took out about 6 hermits a day. I bought 30 and he took out about 7 in less than 10 minutes. After that i said he had to go. If he ate 5 or 6 a week i would be cool.
  13. acez28

    Feeding a Yellow Tang

    seweed can use that so that they can graze everyday. I feed my tang about an 1.5 inch square piece everyday
  14. acez28

    Orange Likias

  15. acez28

    Huma Question

    Yeah i had mine in a 100gal. He was wierd tho. He has this large hole in the LR which he would sleep in. It wasnt a cave or anything it was just a hole that was big enuff for him to go into. He would just sit in that hole with his tail out.
  16. acez28


    im in memphis and i use tap water.....we have pretty good water but i dont have any algae and very little diatoms. I dont know if i am just lucky or what but its been ok. But my QT tank is another thing.....diatoms are bad in that tank. But it has no snails or hermits either. But red algae...
  17. acez28


    This was posted by krishj39. Any Similaraties??? I think thats what you have.
  18. acez28

    Huma Question

    My huma huma was cool with my other fish but my hermits were downsized very quickly. He and my sailfin tang actually hung out alot.....but he ate my hermits too fast so i had to get rid of him.
  19. acez28

    another question

    a portion of my sump where the water that drains from the main tank does not have ny sand in it. I pour my water there. No sand storm or anything.
  20. acez28

    mothers day horror story

    i dont think i would be worried about a fish....more about the child.