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  1. ga8233 reef packages

    Ok well, Maybe nobody knows, but that was the package that really cleaned my tank really nice.
  2. ga8233 reef packages

    This probabaly isn't the right place for this question but does anyone know what ever happened to the "BIG BOY REEF PACKAGE" that used to offer?
  3. ga8233

    Sick Green Brain?

    Thanks Waterfaller1 and Jugger Cool Pictures. I've had a brain for about 3 weeks and didn't know they needed to be fed anything. I'll make sure I do it tonight. I have silversides Do I just chop them up a little and place them on the brain? Should I do it after lights are off or is it ok to...
  4. ga8233

    Sick Green Brain?

    does anyone have a photo of a brain with it's tentacles out? I'd like to see it.
  5. ga8233


    Is that because it feeds off of whatever is in the water? I notice that my mushrooms get quite large after I dose with the stuff. They can go from the size of a quarter to the size of the bottom of a 20 OZ bottle of pop (or soda whichever you prefer to call it.)
  6. ga8233

    Hair algae conquered

    Sterling Your tank looks GREEEAAAATTTT!!!:cheer: :cheer:
  7. ga8233


    I've had that problem too. That's how mine looks when it's starting to die. Hopefully that is not your problem. Do you feed it. I use DT's phytoplankton and by the next day it looks better.
  8. ga8233

    Is My Only Option......

    flat edge razor blade peels it off easily
  9. ga8233

    bubble coral acting wierd?

    What about a fresh water dip? Has anyone ever tried that with this kind of problem? I did it with my hammer head coral when it was having problems like that. It seemed to help get rid of the dead tissue. Opinions please. G
  10. ga8233

    About reefs-

    Hi Aegiale, I don't know how much I can help, but I believe if you use carbon it should help get the brownish/yellow tint out of there. I keep a bag of carbon in my tank 24/7. Some people just add it now and then. Gina
  11. ga8233

    prices of corals...

    MIDWEST REEFER Where you at in Illinois?
  12. ga8233

    What did you replace your bio balls with??

    I have had 2 different times when the hair algae got out of hand in my 125 g. It was so bad that all you could see was "green." The first time I bought a clean-up crew from this web site as I hardly had anything. I used a toothbrush to clean the live rock and removed as much by hand as I could...
  13. ga8233

    anenome ID

    I don't know about the anemone but I do believe that the algae on the bottom right IS hair algae. I had a problem with it myself and finally have it cleared up. Good luck. By the way, don't let it get out of control. It doesn't take long for that to happen.
  14. ga8233

    Board E-Mail Notifications?

    I agree, I'm just starting to figure out how to use the subscriptions,postings and adding pictures.
  15. ga8233

    Opinions on tonga branch rock

    HEre's a pict. of my tonga. I have 3 or 4 pieces you can see two of them here. My anemone had occupied one of them for a while before moving on to it's next location.
  16. ga8233

    Board E-Mail Notifications?

    I was wondering that too. Last few threads I posted I didn't get e-mails either.:notsure:
  17. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    Yosemite! Cool Picture. When I have time I'm going to try to get some pictures like that too.
  18. ga8233

    what about this filter?

    Thanks Foxthorn, Who do I send the e-mail to ? and did you build your own? I'm not very handy when it comes to things like that. Was it relatively easy?G
  19. ga8233

    what about this filter?

    thanks! I'll try it.
  20. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    well maybe it's more detailed then, the only thing different is the distance I was from the tank and maybe the zoom. That explains it I think. G