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  1. mike19881956


    how do u keep alll ur tanks so clean i keep geting all this green stuff on the glass and it is really hard to clean off.
  2. mike19881956

    is this wat i should do

    i have a large amount of cyanobacteria growing on the floor of my tank .... i was told get new lights and so on , but i remembered that i have been forgetting weekly water changes do i need to do more waterchanges or is there something different?
  3. mike19881956

    Algae Everywhere Ahhhhh

    Well for some reason there is green algae everywhere. on the glass doesnt stay clean like it used to it grows fast. and on the LR it is everywhere completly blocking its purple coloring and this hair like stuff is growing.... my colorful tank is turning into a swamp plz help. how do i get...
  4. mike19881956

    porcupine puffer compatibility

    i have 2 clowns and 2 tangs with a porcy he is the frendliest fish probs here
  5. mike19881956

    To get or not to get

    hey man im a 16 yr old with few time on my methods are questionable BUT, i have had a 90 gallon tank running for about a year now and it take sme liike 5 mins a day.. i feed em and then like every 2 to 3 weeks a add another 5 gallon bucket of water to top it off (evaporation) now...
  6. mike19881956

    starting one

    wat about like the midget ones they sell can u keep them? cus i really want a clown trigger but i ant other fish as well.......any sugestions, are their any other triggers u cant mix.
  7. mike19881956

    starting one

    well i dont want a ur saying u cant have any other fish with the clown trigger?
  8. mike19881956

    LOST entire tank

    well it was an accident but never again i duck taped the mother on tight
  9. mike19881956

    starting one

    wat if i took him how does agressive difer from fowlr and how many diff kinds of agres fish can i have
  10. mike19881956

    starting one

    hey i was gona start a agresive setup how does it differ from that of a regular fow lr? i have a 90 galloon ......i want 1 clown, how many trigs can i have and wat other kinds of fish could survive in it?
  11. mike19881956

    LOST entire tank

    i had a tank established for about 10 months...90 gallons......2 clowns (really small) yellow, and hippo tang, and small porc puffer.........yesterday the hose from canister fileter fell out landed on floor 45 gallons of water on the ground and soaking everything......... so i got the 5 gal...
  12. mike19881956

    small jellyfish looking things

    Hey I noticed when i turn on my lights like in the moring there aee these smalll what i can only describe as jellyfish looking things all over the glass. After the lights are on for a while they go away. Whats the dealio?:notsure: :thinking:
  13. mike19881956

    White dots on wall?

    well i also notcied when i first turn on the lights in the am there are like these little jellyfish looking things sticking to the glass and after 20 mins of the liughts being on there gone. Are they related somehow?
  14. mike19881956

    White dots on wall?

    yes they are very small. Well I dont have any snails but i do have hermit cracs anyway....Thanks all.
  15. mike19881956

    White dots on wall?

    I noticed yesterday when i was scrubbing the tank there were these little white dots stuck on the side of the tank. I wouldn't of thought much at first but it took a bit of elbow grease to get them off. I started to wonder if it was harmful. All the fish are happy and hearty n looking good. Is...
  16. mike19881956

    purple slime?

    There is this purple slime like stuff covering alota the fake plants and some of the gravel. whats the deal is it harmful or bad it wont go away. (90gal fowlr)
  17. mike19881956

    Fire Shrimp Question

    becareful cus once i thought mine was dead but it was really he shedded his skind (exoskeleton)
  18. mike19881956

    Lawn Mower Blennie

    the puffer went up n looked at him real close but thats it it pretty much minds it sown buis
  19. mike19881956

    Lawn Mower Blennie

    I just got a new LMB bc of everyones good coments on how outgoing and fun they are.BUT... mine hides everytime i walk near the tank (is it bc he is new nisnt comfortavle) the other fish dont harass it( 2 percs - stay on other side of tank-)(1 puffer)(yellow tang)
  20. mike19881956

    List Your Fish.

    90 gallon 2 percs (small) 1 puffer (small) 2 cardinal bangaiis (Small) 1 lwnmwr blennie (3 inches) (yelow tang(small) (flame angel)(2 inches) is this overstocking???:thinking: