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  1. beckzilla

    Advise on temps for snails to be comfortable

    I am trying to determine if my tank gets too warm in the summer for snails. I have been losing alot this year and am concerned. Tank is 79-80 degrees all summer. What is the ideal temp for Nerites, Turbos, Cerith and Nassarius? Is it chiller time?
  2. beckzilla

    PH meter calibration

    Thanks, do I hit the Cal. button first before hitting the PH buttons?
  3. beckzilla

    PH meter calibration

    I have a Reef Fanatic PH and temp monitor and have lost the calibration instructions. It is model FT-288 and was made by Fadtech. There are no adjustment screws on this unit...only a cal button along with PH4 and PH7 buttons. I have the cal fluid.
  4. beckzilla

    Snails dying problem

    110 gallon reef tank. Looks like I need to get rid of my FN snail.
  5. beckzilla

    Snails dying problem

  6. beckzilla

    Snails dying problem

    I have had a problem with newly added snails (Margarita, Astreas etc.) and have noticed that my Fancy Nassarius Snail comes out to ponder over them as soon as I enter them in the tank then shortly after they have passed away. Water parameters good and drip acclimating for 2+ hours. Anybody know...
  7. beckzilla

    Snail dying problems

    Have not seen them get as far as climbing on rocks or glass. No hermits.
  8. beckzilla

    Sand sifting Starfish Question

    Originally Posted by natclanwy IMO keeping a star for six months doesn't make your experience the norm and you the expert. Ophiura is extremely knowledgeable about sea stars and I would count myself fortunate that she took the time to respond to the thread and share her knowledge and...
  9. beckzilla

    Sand sifting Starfish Question

    Originally Posted by cablebox615 Well that still doesn't change my opinion. I know what a ss starfish does. I kno the good and bad. I don't need a biology lesson on a ss starfish. Yeah she answered scubaChris's question. The question was about feeding.( Her first sentence). That was all that...
  10. beckzilla

    Snail dying problems

    Drip acclimating for at least 2-3 hours. SG is 1.025.
  11. beckzilla

    Id Please Help Algae

    looks like hair to me too. I had 2 viscious bouts of it and it is a bear to get rid of.
  12. beckzilla

    Snail dying problems

    I have had a couple of bouts of new shipments of turbo astrea snails die a few days after arrival and am wondering if a Fancy Nassarius Snail or Sand Shifting Starfish could possibly be the culprits. Water parameters are good and temp is always around 77 degrees. 110 gallon reef with 20 gallon...
  13. beckzilla

    Hairy green algae-what eats it?

    Just recovering from a major hairy green algae outbreak and still have some on a couple of rocks which I cannot remove to clean due to a couple of large leathers on it. What is the best thing to keep to eat the rest? Snails, fish?
  14. beckzilla

    Hairy green algae

    Just got an outbreak of hairy green algae and was wondering rather than take out all the rock and clean is there an animal that will eat this stuff. Obviously I did not change my Rowaphos soon enough. Any other good ways to clean?
  15. beckzilla

    Upgrade to HQI

    I talked to a lighting supplier today and they said there is no noticable difference between the 2 ballasts. If you took the 2 apart they would look almost identical inside. I had my local coral dealer tell me that PFO has a better power input to the bulbs. Anybody want to comment since I am...
  16. beckzilla

    Upgrade to HQI

    What is the main difference between the Phoenix 14K and 20K? What is the advantage to PFO over ARO and is the extra cost worth it?
  17. beckzilla

    Upgrade to HQI

  18. beckzilla

    Upgrade to HQI

    I have a 110 gallon reef tank and have (2) 400 watt MH Ushios 10,000K and was talking to my local reef tank dealer and he recommended going to HQI and dropping to 250 watt and 20,000K for power savings and better light for corals and clams. Need opinions on switching and also on the main...
  19. beckzilla

    Help! Tang is sick

    Originally Posted by sepulatian You have been checking the water all throughout the hypo process? What about nitrite and nitrate? What are those readings? Those readings are fine. Now my other clown has died and I only have a LMB left in QT. Raising salinity up for him . Has been 4 weeks since...
  20. beckzilla

    Help! Tang is sick

    Ok, here is my update. All 4 of my fish were doing great in hypo until a week ago one of my 2 clownfish died. Then a few days later my 6-line wrasse died. Now today my other clown is dying. The only one doing OK is my LMB. I have no idea why these guys died. Just started raising salinity today...