Search results

  1. etd5862

    Are my clownfish Ocellaris or Percula Clownfish? (Pictures are included in the post!)

    Hi FlyFishGirl. I have to agree with both Bang Guy and 2Quills--the little guy looks way unhappy. It would be extremely helpful for us that try to give advice if you could be more forthcoming about your current tank parameters and set-up. I didn't even see what type of anemone you have gotten--I...
  2. etd5862

    Are my clownfish Ocellaris or Percula Clownfish? (Pictures are included in the post!)

    Quote: Originally Posted by tangs rule A 29g biocube is way too small for either a BTA or H.magnifica both of which are most commonly hosted by A. ocellaris. These nems both require intense light, 1-2 year established tanks and a tank larger than 100g. Respectfully, I disagree on the Bulb...
  3. etd5862

    New To This all

    I'm coming a little late for the party to be of much help, but here is my experience. I have a 45 gal with 192 pc lighting, no sump, a whisper powerfilter, two powersweep powerheads for movement, a skimmer, about 60 lbs of LR and 2 inches of sand/crushed coral. I have a rose bt anemone I...
  4. etd5862

    my new fish ... what is it?

    I found two other possabilities for you to do a search on check: Pseudochromis fuscus , common name Brown Dottyback Pseudoplesiops rosae , common name Rose Island Basslet.
  5. etd5862

    my new fish ... what is it?

    There are two possibilities you could research. I can't tell by looking at the tail if it is forked or square, that would help with the ID. Look under Assessor flavissimus , common names Gold Assessor,Yellow Assessor, Yellow Devilfish also look underPseudochromis aureus , common names Yellow...
  6. etd5862

    Another ID please

    Sorry, I didn't mean any disrespect to you, bigarn. I guess that's the problem with common, names, eh?-- The only algae I could find with a common name of 'club algae' was a Valonia sp. . When I ID'd it in my tank I found a reference for it ( Neomeris annulata )labeled as spindleweed, but not...
  7. etd5862

    Another ID please

    The algae you have pictured looks more like a Neomeris annulata to me. I have this in my tank; it is from Hawai'i. It can appear singally, or it may spread in to clumps. You will find the top will be a nice green color with radial hairs, and as the algae grows, the bottoms will look white and...
  8. etd5862

    Pink Skunk & RBTA

    I'm afraid I have bad news for you, RussianSpy. According to Dr Daphne Fautin (anemone expert and author), the Pink Skunk Clownfish's host anemone species are: Heteractis crispa; usually H. magnifica; Macrodactyla doreensis; Stichodactyla gigantea. The (R)BTA aka. Entacmaea quadricolor won't...
  9. etd5862

    RBTA Concerns

    I think your lighting sounds ok. Its within the generally accepted rule of thumb for BTA's which is watt/gal greater than 4.3. I suspect that your lighting is not 'too much' on a long term basis, but probably is a bit much for an anemone coming from a dealer's tank that was probably under-lit...
  10. etd5862

    RBTA Concerns

    Don't panic. I got a RBTA the end of May and I went through nail-biting too at the beginning when it would shrink. The BTA likes to have it's foot hidden in rockwork, so moving in to a crevice would be normal. When it inflates, likely its tentacles will be in the light. It likely is getting...
  11. etd5862

    ID Please

    I'm glad you got it out before it's snack turned in to an all-you-can-eat buffet. I hope it was dining solo!
  12. etd5862

    Coraline Algae on LR

    There are a few complete pc units available on the market for 30 inch tanks. You can google pc lights and find distributers. You will want a dual 65 watt watt unit (total 130 watts) with 1 bulb 10,00K and 1 bulb actinic. I would also suggest a unit with a built-in fan as this will help cool your...
  13. etd5862

    Coraline Algae on LR

    When I inherited my tank 5 years ago it only had a malfunctioning dual fluorescent strip light where 1 of the bulbs intermittantly came off and on (that is 30-60 watts on a 45). I went ahead and got 50 lbs of live rock and cycled the tank intending on upgrading the lights. Finanaces changed and...
  14. etd5862

    ID Please

    I am not an expert on starfish, but there is information regarding a predatory starfish, Asterina anomala, at the GARF website. They claim is multiplies rapidly and will eat sessile animals such as corals. I have no idea if this starfish is in your tank (though it looks very similar), but you...
  15. etd5862

    rbta anemone question.

    I have a couple of thoughts for you. If your lights come on all at once, it is possible it's reacting to the sudden change in the lighting. If you have dual controls on your fixture, set one to come on 1-2 hours earlier than the other so that there won't be as abrupt a change. If you can't do...
  16. etd5862

    rbta anemone question.

    I have a RBTA and it, too, deflates at night. I have been tracking its cycle and it is definitely related to the light cycle. The anemone's disk is about 4" across plus during the day and will begin deflating shortly after the lights go out (to approx 1-1/2 inches--the same width as the foot)...
  17. etd5862

    bought a mandarin

    I've had a mandarin for 3 years with 45lbs of live rock. He's been fine, but recently I read that mandarins would take Cyclop-eeze (a frozen decapod). There is none to be had locally, so I tried Red Sea's Sweetwater Zooplankton (mostly cultured Daphnia found in a jar, not frozen). The first time...