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  1. xdetroiter

    New stone fish pics

    That fish is awesome! He looks like a guy I dated in high school !!:D
  2. xdetroiter

    OK! Here is my 110 list!

    Dragons are awesome, expensive & not easy to find! I'm not sure if that pic is stock or your acutal eel, if you have the eel, please post pics of it, they ROCK !!!!!!!
  3. xdetroiter

    size of tank for piranhas...

    Dude, you're moving out at 16? I'm 31 & if I could have stayed home not paying rent until now, I would have !!!!! The lungfish is the devil incarnate! They're awesome looking & belong in a species tank. They are evil from beginning to end. The alligator no matter how dwarf or what you saw...
  4. xdetroiter

    190 Predatory Stocking

    Originally posted by Fin Follower Ed I don't know about headache, solving problems is what keeps the hobby interesting. I have to agree w/you Ed. & Jared, that's what I love about the fish hobby is solving problems, drawing out schematics for filtration & troubleshooting. I am experienced...
  5. xdetroiter

    Zebra moray eat a lion?

    Originally posted by Barry Cuda It sounds to me like what we're saying is that the green moray is just a poor choice for the hobby aquarist in general, due to size and space needs. The only public aquarium I'm aware of in San Antonio is the one on the zoo grounds, and their largest tank is...
  6. xdetroiter

    Zebra moray eat a lion?

    Barry, Yes Fintique is a dungeon but when I went there wasn't any probs w/their tanks or fish. I was there 2 wks. ago. They had an awesome baby Snowflake eel. Everything looked good to me, but maybe I went on the wrong day. I don't frequent it because I don't care for the part of town it's in &...
  7. xdetroiter

    size of tank for piranhas...

    I don't like settling for anything normal, so naturally I love the [hr] fishes! I love anything dangerous or just plain stupid to own. (Hey, I'm 16, I'm entitled to be an idiot. If I pull the crap that I do now when I'm 30, well, you get the idea. Carpe Diem!) Forget the Pirahnas.... Get...
  8. xdetroiter

    Amiracle Mud Filters

    I have seen them in action but don't know if they're superior or not. I do know that if you DIY one, that's the only inexpensive thing about them. Amiracle is very expensive.
  9. xdetroiter

    size of tank for piranhas...

    Not sure but would be able to help you, they just love 'em there!
  10. xdetroiter

    Zebra moray eat a lion?

    Alamo Aquatics should not have that 8+ foot green Moray in that baby tank IMO !!!!! I've seen it many times there & it's not only cramped but it looks incredbily sad & suicidal. They only feed it when they feel like it too so it's always incredibly hungry! I don't like that store at all & I...
  11. xdetroiter

    190 Predatory Stocking

    Thanks, I have looked & am considering the Tusk, good suggestion, Thank you! I've been reading up on Triggers & I've read you can only keep one but some are less aggressive than others. Is there any chance on keeping more than one of the peaceful ones in this set-up? Thanks Again!
  12. xdetroiter


    Cubuffs, just eat it when it gets too big! Your'e the VP of your firm, no one will question you! :D
  13. xdetroiter

    Baby bonnetheads

    Off the original question but same topic of shark tanks/ponds. On this site in the DIY section there's a dude who built a 1700 gallon sharktank in his basement & he lists his plans, how-to & website. Yesterday I said to someone, 'hey good luck w/that new kitten' so today...
  14. xdetroiter


    $20 is similar to what they ask for a young Alligator Gar & both fish are not only eating machines but grow forever. I love predatory fish but some are better left in the oceans or lakes.
  15. xdetroiter

    DIY Wetdry Sump

    Hi all, Check this out I just finished a ten gallon similar to theirs for $20 :)
  16. xdetroiter

    stocking a 300 gallon

    Doesn't a Green Moray get 7+ feet? I'm stocking my 190 w/a Zebra moray & they can get approx. 3 foot. And are regarded as gentle/hardy morays. There's a site called that is dedicated to all moray sizes, care, food, compatibility & etc. Check it out, it will help, it helped me...
  17. xdetroiter

    190 Predatory Stocking

    Originally posted by jwtrojan44 With those types of fish, live rock will greatly aid in biofiltration, and no, it won't become a reef. Reef tanks in the academic sense are those that house corals and select inverts. If it were my set up, I'd go with a 2-3 inch sand bed, 100-150 lbs of LR, and a...
  18. xdetroiter

    190 Predatory Stocking

    Thank you much for the suggestions. I do plan to get them all very young & similar in size. I won't skimp on food either, I'm a good keeper, I'm just a fresh keeper & used to just simply soaking river rock I find before throwing it into my tanks. W/marine, there's more steps & precautions...
  19. xdetroiter

    190 Predatory Stocking

    Hello I'm currently a large fresh predatory keeper & am setting up a 190 for a marine tank & have done my research & selected the fish I'd like to keep & am certain are compatible, however I'm not sure on the quantities & any help is greatly appreciated. 190 Wishlist Stock 1-Grouper- The red...