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  1. crikket

    need help w/ list

    How about a Bursa Trigger or Rectangle Trigger.... and Snowflake eels are really neat to have, but will try jumping out, just have to have the tank covered :rolleyes:
  2. crikket

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    did a search on anemones on google and found out that this is a club tipped anemone, also known as a strawberry anemone, the colors vary some......... thanks for your thoughts on this guys......
  3. crikket

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Here it is closed up............ it almost looks like it has "legs" :notsure:
  4. crikket

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    This thing is so tiny, like a pencil eraser, so it's hard to get a good pic..... anyway, it's tentacles don't seem to open and close but they do get really long and the whole thing just closed up awhile ago, as tho' it were eating, so maybe it is an anemone, hard to tell w/something so small...
  5. crikket

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Found this on some rubble I bought, just wondering what it mt be............... some type of jellyfish or anemone??
  6. crikket

    30 gal tank question

    I agree with the false percs suggestion, they are great. What about a citron clown goby?small and peaceful. :yes:
  7. crikket

    Any good magazines?

    Coral Magazine just came out this month, very informative. It's a bimonthly mag........ it's been in print in Germany for some time and was just expanded to the US....
  8. crikket

    updated pics

    I love your tank! It looks bigger than a 10g...... hopefully mine will look that good someday. How long have you had your tank? It looks great! crikket
  9. crikket

    Annoying Fish Behavior

    Such an entertaining hobbie who needs t.v. with fish in the house..........
  10. crikket

    Pistol shrimp rode in on some LR

    Hey thanks for the response BBTX!! I have heard that Arrow crabs would not be good, that they would attemp to eat the smaller/slower things........ ?? Just what I've heard and read. I really like the emerald crabs, but wasn't sure if they would be ok w/pipefish......... What about an Anemone...
  11. crikket

    Pistol shrimp rode in on some LR

    Well it makes an awful lot of racket with all the "snapping", that's how I new there was something in the tank, but wasn't sure what it was, then I happened to see something a few days ago that was "shrimp-like", but very fast, so took out the rock it was in and put it in a bowl with part fresh...
  12. crikket

    Pistol shrimp rode in on some LR

    Have had my tank set up for 4 wks, only have a hermit in it rt now with 3 different small shrooms that I just got yesterday!! Love 'em! All my levels are great, I'm setting the tank up for pipefish(2) I found out that I have a pistol shrimp, (he's very cool!!) am wondering if this will be ok...