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  1. kirsch66

    new to sw tank

    Any type of damsel would be good to start with. I say this because they are inexpensive. They come in all sorts of breeds and can be pretty colorful. I will tell you that are very hardy fish, so they will not be the best indicator of your water quality. 1. start with cheap fish (damsels)...
  2. kirsch66

    porcupine puffer Q?

    He'll eat anything!!!!!!
  3. kirsch66

    Stocking Question

    I have a 92GL corner tank that has been established for sveral years. I have a bunch of like rock, and a few basic anenomes. The livestock in my tank is as follows: Fire Clown Yellow Saddled Clown Green Spotted Puffer Blue Hippo Tang Lemonpeel Angel Hawkfish C.C. Starfish Various Turbo Snails...
  4. kirsch66

    I may have a bacterial issue

    Beth, I think you nailed it with HLLE on the Hippo Tang. How can I treat it? I think the Fire Clown has the same issue. However, I think my Lemonpeel has a different issue. As far as my setup goes, I have a 92 gallon corner tank with a sump below, protein skimmer, and UV Sterilizer. As far...
  5. kirsch66

    Needs help

    I agree. You need a much bigger tank for those fish. Remember that the bigger the tank, the easier it is to clean! -Kirsch
  6. kirsch66

    I may have a bacterial issue...

    Hello, I think I may have some sort of bacterial infection in my tank. My Blue Hippo Tang has one eye that is very cloudy. He also is losing the pigmentation of the blue and black on his body. The spots are turning the color of human skin. I also have a lemonpeel angel that has white along his...
  7. kirsch66

    I may have a bacterial issue

    Hello, I think I may have some sort of bacterial infection in my tank. My Blue Hippo Tang has one eye that is very cloudy. He also is losing the pigmentation of the blue and black on his body. The spots are turning the color of human skin. I also have a lemonpeel angel that has white along...
  8. kirsch66

    What kind of lighting do I have???

    I have a box that sits on top. It contains 4 long bulbs. It gets very hot, so there is a built-in fan that runs when the lights are on.
  9. kirsch66

    What kind of lighting do I have???

    I've had a 92 gallon corner tank set up for almost a year now. I purchased all the equipment from a family friend. I would like to start adding coral, but I'm not sure how good, or what type of lighting I have. How can I tell?
  10. kirsch66

    New 20GL

  11. kirsch66

    New 20GL

    I'm getting ready to convert a 20 gallon freshwater tank into a saltwater tank. As a freshwater tank, I was using a Penguin 170 filter, normal lighting, and a heater that sticks to the back of the tank. I would like to set the saltwater tank up with some live rock, several annenomes, and a...
  12. kirsch66

    Fish losing color?

    Makes sense! Thanks for the info.
  13. kirsch66

    Water Pump

    I'm not sure what the GPH on my skimmer is. The pump was a RIO 1700 that pumps 642GPH. However, the top of the tube often became clogged. I assume that is because the pump wasn't strong enough. Maybe going to a MAG 700 would do the trick. Is it possible to get too strong of a pump?
  14. kirsch66

    Fish losing color?

    I've noticed that some of my fish lose a lot of their color when my lights are off for an extended period. I notice it the most in my hawk fish and hippo tang. Is this normal?
  15. kirsch66

    Water Pump

    I need a little advice on which water pump to buy for my skimmer. I was using a RIO 1700 that died yesterday. I had good luck with the RIO, but have heard bad things about them. I recently purchased a MAG DRIVE 700 and use it as the main circulation pump. I'm really pleased with it, but will...
  16. kirsch66

    Hippo Tag Question

    I usually go to a place called the House of Tropicals on River Road. It looks like a dump on the outside, but has all sort of goodies on the inside. In Northern Kentucky there is a store call the World of Pets on Turfway Rd. I usually have good luck there. I've never been to Wet Pets before...
  17. kirsch66

    Hippo Tag Question

    Slick, My hippo loves to eat romaine lettuce. I put a large piece in my tank about 2-3 times per week. That way, she still takes care of the algae on my rocks. Use a simple sucktion cup and clip to hold the lettuce on the glass. Take a few steps back, and the hippo should start going to town.
  18. kirsch66

    Algae Problem

    I'm aware of Amquil, and currently use it. That's why I thought I was ok with tap water. I had no idea that it was going to cause this big of a problem.
  19. kirsch66

    R/O Systems

    So I have learned through the New Hobbyist forum that my alage issues are due to my use of tap water. I've been told to investigate R/O systems. So, can somebody give me some info? How do they work, and how much space do I need? I have a 92 gallon tank, and have been changing 20 gallons...
  20. kirsch66

    Sea Hare???

    Does anyone know if there is a type of fish called a sea hare? I was told by my LFS that I should put one in my tank to clean up the obsurd amount of algae that I have. I can't find a picture of one anywhere. To be honest, I didn't think a sea hare was a type of fish. -Kirsch