Search results

  1. pattycake

    crashed what?

    Word to the wise, dont fool with your tank if you are not feeling good. Last Wednesday night I purchased Kalwasser to raise my calcium level. All I can remember is I really misread the directions. Bottom line is I had to remove maybe 40 gals of water from my 55g tank. All my snails, crabs...
  2. pattycake

    message for pattycake!!!!

    p.s. pics of your tank were great!!:)
  3. pattycake

    message for pattycake!!!!

    Mike, Thanks for writing me back. I have been busy at work and just now found time to see if you had answered me. Thanks for the tip on the shop located at Jordan Lane, I will swing by and check it out! Yes, it would be great if you want to email. My email is:
  4. pattycake

    powerhead ?????

    Mike, Wow, I could'nt believe it when I read your post that you live in Florence. I work in Huntsville and live in Arab. I have a 55gal that I set up last August and still feel like a beginner. You are right about this site. The folks here have been very helpful. I was wondering if you...
  5. pattycake

    question on water

    When you say "long time to make" is that because it just drips? And when you say "cure" how long are you talking about? This is the time you run it thru the RO device and before you put it in your tank, right? Do you add salt or other things to this water first?
  6. pattycake

    question on water

    I have a question on water quailty. When I first set up my tank I used tap water. After fighting with the red slime I started water changes using the water machine Culligan from Walmart. Boy, it is getting old caring 5 gallons of water home all the time. I really need to have something at...
  7. pattycake

    lfs advise?

    thanks for the advise! I will do the water change.
  8. pattycake

    lfs advise?

    I first panicked when the coral started looking bad, and went to a search of for some answers. the only thing I found was someone suggested checking the ammonia and water flow. I checked that and it was fine, and water flow is good to. As far as the tests go I can only tell you on the...
  9. pattycake

    lfs advise?

    I have a 55 gal thats been up since August. I have studied (I thought) all that needs to be checked on the care of a successful sw tank. I have fish, crabs, snails, and corals. Everything is going good! Did the cycle, test kit for amonia, nitrates, nitrites, all in line. So, I asked my lfs...
  10. pattycake

    Suggestions on timers

    I purchased mine last week. Need the 3 plug kind marked as large appliance. It hurt to have to buy two but I got mine at Walmart for 9.47 each! Good Luck!
  11. pattycake

    Regal Tang died

    I lost my Regal Tang this weekend. I have a 55gal reef with skimmer, filter, and 2 power heads. For the last 4 weeks I was finding him sucked up to the filters. It didnt matter which one. I would get him off and he seemed fine. But I kept wondering if he was stuck for a long period of time...
  12. pattycake

    stacking rock

    I have looked at so may pics of beautiful aquariums and i cant figure out the stacking of the rock. Do you have any space in the back? All the rock looks like its piled high against the back and then all kinds of corals everywhere. Can someone give me a tip??:)
  13. pattycake

    Baserock to LR?

    pods and flat worms? Is that bad?
  14. pattycake

    Baserock to LR?

    I have 55 gal tank with 33 lbs of live rock and 19 lbs of base rock. Will the base rock turn into live rock?
  15. pattycake

    College Football 2004

    Hey we will take all the BAMA fans we can get on this one!!
  16. pattycake

    explain gph

    Thomas, On the powerheads, you said to put them in the back corners facing to the center. How far down in the tank do you suggest?
  17. pattycake

    explain gph

    I feel like I cant get my filter system situated. I now feel like I have made another mistake by buying the Whisper. Of course the first was the skilter. This is a great forum but I want my tank to be perfect ( must be my personality!) and I am already getting frustrated. I love aquariums...
  18. pattycake

    explain gph

    Thanks! I needed the mathmatics!
  19. pattycake

    Fallen Comrades - Tank Crashes

    I can only feel for your lose. No, I have not had a tank crash for I have only had my SW55 up and running for 6 weeks. But I can tell you I have 2 clowns and this may be silly but I have named them! You are right they do have their own personalities and I can see how easy it is to get...
  20. pattycake

    explain gph

    I understand it means gallons per hour, but how much GPH am I looking for with my tank?:notsure: