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  1. someone400

    Favorite video game

    All the Zelda’s, Resident Evils, Halo's, Medal of Honor, and a true classic….Conkers Bad Fur Day (can’t wait for the next release)!
  2. someone400

    HEY now,

    Thaaaatsss all folks!
  3. someone400

    Arkansas Reef club

    Pretty Cool. :yes: I didn’t know there was a club in Ark. I noticed some of your pics were from NS Aquatics, where I do my shopp’n. :) WOOOooooooo Pig!!!!!
  4. someone400

    what kind of beer do you like?

    Ah yes! Beer, one of my favorite subjects! My personal favorite would have to be Fat Tire from New Belgium Brewing Company in Golden Colorado. But as far as what I use for an every day beer that would have to be Bud Light and occasionally Bush because it is relatively inexpensive. There are...
  5. someone400

    Outgrew Tank!

    Prepare to turn into your parents! LOL….. They are a joy beyond belief, a pain that only another parent can understand, and the love of your life. There are times you will question what possessed you to have one and times that will make you realize why you did. Congratulations. :)
  6. someone400

    Resident evil 4

    Yep its the cheif dude. I have gotten to the point where he breaks apart from his legs and starts crawling/climbing around but man, its tough. Sooner or later I will get past him its just a matter of being fast on the dodge buttons. :nervous:
  7. someone400

    Resident evil 4

    OK, I give. I have rescued the president’s daughter and rode the lift down. I am stuck on the battle in the building with the head dude. Any tips? Is it just a matter of dodging and shooting or is there something special you are supposed to do (flash grenade….)??
  8. someone400

    Republicans vs. Democrats

    No Tangman, Republicans = EEeeevilll, Democrats = Good! :) Ok...ok just kidding. Man, there are differences within the differences within the same party. I consider myself more independent than anything. There are extreme folks on the right and extreme folks on the left. I kinda like the...
  9. someone400

    meat of the gods...

    Originally posted by nflnutswif The only way I can get my kids to eat fresh green beans is to, fry up a LB of chopped bacon in a cast iron pot add 1 chopped onion the bacon grease will saute the onion, when its cooked down add 2 LB of fresh green beans 1/4 cup of water or beef broth cover the...
  10. someone400

    does anyone here....

    Originally posted by DVS You think I would say that honestly after reading what I had originally posted? No I would not which is why I made the assumption. I did not intend to offend you, if I did I apologize. I just didn’t want you to think that I posted that pic with the intention of making...
  11. someone400

    does anyone here....

    Most people, myself included, live from check to check. If I was to lose my job then it would be a relatively short time before I had to start a major sell off of what ‘luxury’ items I have and scale back of my lifestyle. I believe that most of us could find another job even if it was something...
  12. someone400

    meat of the gods...

    A good appetizer for bacon, wrap water chestnuts in bacon and secure with a tooth pick. Soak them in soy sauce for a couple of hours and either bake them in the oven or cook’m on the grill…good stuff! :yes:
  13. someone400

    does anyone here....

    Originally posted by DVS Yes, its refreshing to find humor in someones misfortune isnt it? No, not really….I assume you are being sarcastic. You have to admire people who are less fortunate and can still have a sense of humor though.
  14. someone400

    does anyone here....

    nflnutswif, tell your hubby not to feel bad. I fell for something just about like that. At a gas station a man comes up to me looking desperate saying that his car ran out of gas just up the road, his wife and kids were in the car and he needed money for gas. Being the sap that I am, I gave him...
  15. someone400

    does anyone here....

    Hey, at least he's honest!
  16. someone400

    does anyone here....

    Originally posted by DVS I have been volunteering for the past 5 years at soup kitchens and shelters. ............... I help those who deserve to be helped. Cool.....:yes:
  17. someone400


    I manage my youngest son’s soccer team and my oldest plays on the high school team so I have seen many games. Being a ref for the younger kids (U11 and below) does not look bad but, as they get older the more intense the games get. My youngest plays for a U12 team and when it comes to...
  18. someone400

    Questions from a beginner

    It may just be a matter of preference but I would recommend using Chromis (sp?) instead of damsels to get things started. My blue damsels killed alot of my first fish ($$!) but I did not have the heart to flush him. Luckly my LFS was willing to take him in and give me a few bucks credit for it. :)
  19. someone400

    HEY now,

    Pumb!! Tsuj I hgouht taht I dluow pumb siht ybab pu a elpuoc fo eshcton......
  20. someone400

    HEY now,

    TGIF......can I get an AMEN!!!! Don't make me pull out my's loaded for bear! :D