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  1. bicolor225

    Alge out of control -HELP!!!-

    No, sir. There is no such thing as too much light. I have a forty gallon reef with 175mh 20,000 kelvin rating with 2x watt pc lighting. And the only time i had problem with algae when my spectrum went out of wack due to old bulbs. But it cleared up week after i changed the bulbs.
  2. bicolor225


    You might want to get that pH up around 8.0 at the least.
  3. bicolor225

    maroon clownfish

    Yes, It does.
  4. bicolor225

    Mating or Fighting?? I have like twenty extra ones they keep getting filled by small hermits i have no clue where the smalls ones come from. I didn't buy them. Well, thanks for the info. -Bicolor
  5. bicolor225

    Live Rock

    Did you buy pre-cured liverock? Then if you didn't and your putting the rock into an established tank and thats really bad. Because all of the die from shipping and other stuff will cause your water quality to drop. are you getting ammonia spikes at all? -Bicolor
  6. bicolor225

    Mating or Fighting??

    Oh Yea! Thats why they stoped and they are both alive??? mmmmmmmmmmm..................:notsure: huh w/e I really don't care what happened as long as they're alive. -Bicolor
  7. bicolor225

    Mating or Fighting??

    But they aren't killing eachother!!!!!!!:mad: -Bicolor
  8. bicolor225

    brown slime

    I believe you have green and red hair algaes growing in your tank. You might want to check the phosphate and nitrates levels in your tank. This might be your problem in this case. If thats is your problem, you might want to do 10% water changes everyother day, with RO/DI water. If you don't do...
  9. bicolor225

    Mating or Fighting??

    No. They aren't eating eachother. Can anybodyelse tell me whats going on here.:notsure: -Bicolor
  10. bicolor225

    Mating or Fighting??

    Ooops forgot the picture...hehe
  11. bicolor225

    Mating or Fighting??

    My blue-legged hermit crabs have been going at this since this morning. The are like in eachothers shell.....Lol:D Can anybody tell what the hell are they doing lol here is a pic.
  12. bicolor225

    Refugium Light?

    Ooooooooooooh, So your saying it has the intensity as if it were 500watts. Still you need the right spectrum.
  13. bicolor225

    Maroon Clown

    Your Welcome. Yea, but don't just turn a blind eye on the subject. Check on him periodically, for maybe this can actually turn into a problem. Maybe try getting him a bubble-tip anemone. See how he reacts to that. Remember also anemones also need good lighting, as they also have symbiotic algae...
  14. bicolor225

    Refugium Light?

    For what he is putting in there he really doesn't need that much lighting. -Bicolor
  15. bicolor225

    What do you think

    Yes, same here. Next time post directly to the thread, It's much easier. -Bicolor
  16. bicolor225

    How Do you get Rid of Algae hair???

    Check the phosphate levels and nitrate levels in your tank, that might be your problem in your case. If that is your problem, you should do a 10% water change every other day with RO/DI water. If you don't do it with RO/DI water, you might just be putting nitrates and phosphates back into the...
  17. bicolor225

    Maroon Clown

    Thats very common for clowns. In the wild they won't venture more than a foot away from there host anemone. So basically it's treating that rock as its anemone, for protection. As long as its it is eating and showing no signs of stress, I wouldn't worry about. Next time, you might want to post...
  18. bicolor225

    Refugium Light?

    Your can probaly go with pc lighting about around 175 watts. -Bicolor
  19. bicolor225

    Refugium Light?

    Depends on the size of the refugium and what u plan on keeping in there. -Bicolor
  20. bicolor225

    algea id

    Just your old common green hair algae or a.k.a Maidens Hair Plant. -Bicolor