Search results

  1. ssjkakarot

    any traders in NH?

    there is a saltwater club in nh
  2. ssjkakarot

    fragging toadstool

    Does anyone know how to frag a toadstool?
  3. ssjkakarot

    anenome anyone

    that thing's a monster. What do you feed that thing small animals? :hilarious
  4. ssjkakarot

    My in the wall 150

    nice tank. Is that the veiw for a bar? I see a counter infront of it. just wondering :thinking:
  5. ssjkakarot

    How many gallons does this hold?

    L x H x W / 231 = gals
  6. ssjkakarot

    VHO Lighting Fixture

    hellolights dot com
  7. ssjkakarot

    Explain where your user name originated

    mine is from dragonball z
  8. ssjkakarot

    my tank not full yet

    nice pics I like the clown nice color. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work
  9. ssjkakarot

    Finally some new shots!!1

    very nice pics
  10. ssjkakarot

    Just picked this up

    Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG lol, oops :P nice yeah i forgot to upload the pic
  11. ssjkakarot

    any traders in NH?

    the shroom i do not have a pic of yet but it seems to be doing good
  12. ssjkakarot

    any traders in NH?

    sorry didn't even read before i posted everything I got from you is awesome I got a pic of them
  13. ssjkakarot

    Metal clamps in tank.....

    those clamps that you tighten with a screwdriver will rust in water but if you go to a pool store they might have plastic ones
  14. ssjkakarot

    any traders in NH?

    How'd those zoos do gasguzzler. the xenia I got from you are all doing real good thanks again. :cheer:
  15. ssjkakarot

    New Coral

  16. ssjkakarot

    A few pics of my Puffer and his coral friends

    nice pictures I like the big eyes of those puffers :happyfish
  17. ssjkakarot

    picture of my 180gal

    nice pics thanks for sharing. What is the third pic of?
  18. ssjkakarot

    Pics of my new 125! YAY!!!!

    really nice tank . I like how it looks like a bridge on the right
  19. ssjkakarot

    Just picked this up

  20. ssjkakarot

    Just picked this up
