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  1. maggot

    Help with Identification

    I have what appears to be a clam or something. It is brown. It came from a rock that I have had a year now but I only found him recently. It has a white/Clear mouth like a thin or wavey lining of some sort. It looks like a clam shell except the shell is shaped more like a U in size, not a...
  2. maggot


    Not sure what hqi and se means but if I can atleast have zoos multiply as well as mushrooms I will be happy but I would like to put corals in there that require strong lighting. My problem is that I can't find a retrofit MH lighting system that will fit a 30" length aquarium. I would spend...
  3. maggot


    i think my dimensions are 30" wide by 24" tall by 18" wide. They say it has a 150w MH light in it. I was wondering on the quality, is it enough anyways, and do I need to supply my own fans to keep the tank cool and if I have to how will I do that Thanks for responding please give me...
  4. maggot


    I need help, I have a tank that is 30 inches wide. Can someone tell me what my options are for lighting. I would like to put some hard corals in there. The only thing I can find to fit my tank is the Current USA SunPod 30" Retrofit kit. If anyone has had this or can tell me if this is worth...
  5. maggot

    Emperor Angel and Corals

    Are there any corals that an emperor angel would not eat or nip at. I was told mushrooms may be a way to go. Any advice would be great
  6. maggot

    Laboute Wrasse

    Does anyone know some information on the laboute wrasse? I am looking for any information on these guys so any help would be welcome. (Websites, books, your own knowledge) I couldn't find too much on the web but maybe someone else knows some websites that would be helpful Thanks,
  7. maggot

    Could this be "ICH"

    actually that was perfect. That was what you were looking for. Might I make a suggestion now. Get a couple of cleaner shrimp and he should be healthy for now on.
  8. maggot

    Could this be "ICH"

    so did you ever give the powder brown the fresh water bath? Just wondering how it went since you haven't posted about it.
  9. maggot

    Blue Hippo Tang - wounds/scratches

    Just put a clear drinking glass in there and chase him around till he runs in there then close the other side with the net. It would be better if you didn't cut him any more.
  10. maggot

    Could this be "ICH"

    If your asking about the fresh water dip then you can use the five gallon tank to do it because the fish won't be swimming around that much. Also declorinate the water and just let it sit for a day and make sure the tempature in there is the same as the tank. Make it less stressful as possible...
  11. maggot

    Could this be "ICH"

    You want to declorinate the fresh water, have the water tempature the same as the tank. Make sure the fish is not already stressed out, for example breathing heavy. The fish may not make it if it is already stressed out. I actually lost a fish doing this because he was already too stressed...
  12. maggot

    Could this be "ICH"

    I am betting the fresh water bath will help. The tang is stressed out and probably has a parasite or two inside of him. A fresh water bath will get them out and after he calms down and adjusts to the environment he will be fine. I seriously doubt this is ich. Most people misdiagnose ich. It...
  13. maggot

    Could this be "ICH"

    I don't see anything either and I am betting it isn't ich. A couple of questions. Where did you buy the fish? Did you buy them at a lfs or from here, basically wondering if you got them shipped? You may have a parasite in either fish if they were stressed out. You can give them a fresh...
  14. maggot

    Cleaner Shrimp

    LOL I don't think he was cleaning the crab. He dragged it all over the place. Another question. If a fish is stressed due to acclimation, does the fish ever recover or continues to be stressed out? I am assuming the fish would convert to its surroundings within a day or two but I am still...
  15. maggot

    Cleaner Shrimp

    Hey what do these guys eat. I just got a couple in and wanted to know. Also one seems to have pulled out one of my crabs. I don't know if it was already dead or the shrimp killed it. It seems like the cleaner shrimp wants to eat it. Thanks in advance
  16. maggot

    Such Thing As Fish-overload?

    what kind of mandaran is it because i have two and they both have white spots naturally but they don't stand out that much. You have to look close but it may be the way they are and you never noticed. I have a psycho and green
  17. maggot

    Need help with identifying

    I am almost positive it isn't ick. I could be wrong. He is still eating a lot and it is just on his face and eye. I recently bought the protien skimmer and that is when it appeared. I don't have access to a camera. i am going to do a water change and see if that helps, but let me know about...
  18. maggot

    Need help with identifying

    thanks i am going to do a twenty percent water change tomorrow and then test again. My tank is about a month and a half old. Thanks for the info. I was also wondering if he was not getting the nutrients he needs. He eats the junk out of my flake food spirulina but wont touch the dried algae...
  19. maggot

    Need help with identifying

    I have had a Chevron Tang for about two to three weeks. He is about three inches and I have a 55 gallon tank. I know a little small but I am going to upgrade soon just want to get the jist of things before I make that commitment. Water is normal. Ph 8.0 or 8.2 Ammonia reading .25 could be a...
  20. maggot

    Need help with identifying

    I have had a Chevron Tang for about two to three weeks. He is about three inches and I have a 55 gallon tank. I know a little small but I am going to upgrade soon just want to get the jist of things before I make that commitment. Water is normal. Ph 8.0 or 8.2 Ammonia reading .25 could be a...