Search results

  1. lizzard

    Why my clownfish die?

    That’s why you should really quarantine new fish. Not only for observation of disease but to reduce stress from shipping. It gives them time to regain strength so they can handle meeting new tank mates that might harass them at first, and just get use to you and their new surroundings.
  2. lizzard

    HELP! My tank is crashing

    Did you happen to notice if your fish were chasing each other around or fighting after the introduction of the new rock?
  3. lizzard

    Cycling question

  4. lizzard

    Cycling question

    Once you get a ammonia spike you can remove what’s left of it if any.
  5. lizzard

    tired of turning over snails!!!!!

    Not much you can do about it really, that’s life in the tank world for ya.
  6. lizzard

    Blue coral banded

    Where do we view the pictures? I would love to see him!
  7. lizzard

    Turf algae?

    His water quality is 0 nitites, about 30 nitrates, perfect PH, 0 amonia. Are there any other levels that would affect the crabs but not fish (they are fit as a fiddle) that we could check? May want to check the salinity.
  8. lizzard

    Rock cleaning Question

    Clean your rocks, the pods will head back to them when your done. They get blown around by powerheads all day long.:)
  9. lizzard

    Removing bio-media from filter?

    You do not need to remove your filter media, sponges or any thing else your using. You need to clean them from time to time. Rinse out your sponge in the water that you remove when you do water changes then place it back into your filter. It should be replaced with a new one about once a month...
  10. lizzard

    mandarin goby's and copper

    Yes Loopy I know your fish isn’t ill. vtecbro007 has a mandarin in a qt tank with copper.
  11. lizzard

    mandarin goby's and copper

    I’ve heard about a couple of medicated products that might be safe for use with the mandarin fish but I still wouldn’t risk it. A much safer treatment would be hyposalinity. I would keep a close eye on him copper is not safe. Good luck
  12. lizzard

    mandarin goby's and copper

    Add him right into your main tank. They are very sensitive to the medications that are used for treating regular fish.
  13. lizzard

    rose anemone tentacles

    Feed it meaty foods instead of dumping phyto all over the place. That statement just struck me as funny. Maybe a should take a nap!
  14. lizzard

    keeping multiple gobies/blennies

    When the recommended amount is one pre tank, it usually means one per species, but you can usually have a male and female of any one given fish without problems.
  15. lizzard

    Help me pic a new fish.

    6-line wrasse, would be a good fit but I've had one before and I had to give him away because he would kill anything I added to my tank after him. If he's your last fish, which you said you were looking for one more. He would be a good fish to help with flatworms.
  16. lizzard

    fish pic 6-pak...

    Yes that was a very good deal. Well you might need to learn more of the cameras functions but your doing a great job taking pictures of your beautiful reef tank in the mean time. :)
  17. lizzard

    Can I join the Mandarin rescue Club

    Notice the longer spike on the males dorsal spine where as the females is rounder.
  18. lizzard

    Can I join the Mandarin rescue Club

    next the female
  19. lizzard

    Can I join the Mandarin rescue Club

    Sorry I disagree. I still see the above fish as a female. I have included some male/ female pictures. First one male
  20. lizzard

    help...goby is making the water cloudy

    Actually, all your suggestions will help some but nothing that I know of will total eliminate the sand being kicked around. I know of others that were so fed up with having to uncover their rocks and coral that they traded their goby back to the lfs. So I guess you’ll have to experiment with it...