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  1. agarr

    Quick help please

    used distilled water..does that help?gosh,i also changed all the filters..but did not clean the protien skimmer,just dumped the gunk
  2. agarr

    Quick help please

    nobody knows huh...bummer,kinda think the fish would be happier in their own bed tonight.
  3. agarr

    Quick help please

    long story short..granddaughter dumped whole can of tropical fish food into salt tank...we quickly removed everything and vaccumed bottom did a 50% water change,and tested water 2 hours later...everything is perfect,this will not cause a cycle will it?should i go ahead and put rocks,cleanup crew...
  4. agarr

    Snail Killer

    :thinking: mine r dying too and i don't use tap water,raising my ammonia a bit,cause theyre' dead of course but all parameters are acceptable. I thought mine were getting stuck between the rock and glass.
  5. agarr

    Refuge interest

    I saw that tank,in KC wasn't it? I asked him what if i didn't want the ciclids?(i already have a ciclid tank) and he told me i would have to wait till he placed the fish first then.I have not heard back from him
  6. agarr

    Refuge interest

    Where do we get tanks at those prices? My 50 was like 100 bucks at walmart and my 75 was 250 :eek:
  7. agarr

    live rock

    Now I am confused,Yes, I have an already established tank.50 gal...I am going to go pick up a new 75 tomorrow. Was going to use the 50 as a refuge if i can figure out how to do this(need guidance)the live rock is for the new tank; was going to put it there while i try to figure out what i'm doing
  8. agarr

    HOT Light

    this raised my temperature! I did turn it off but should i have had to?
  9. agarr

    live rock

    Thanks! I added all my rock when i started the tank(let it cure) and then fish later,i have not added rock I will order the rock;let it cure again a week or two; then order something else. :happyfish :happyfish
  10. agarr

    live rock

    says its already cured. They said quality figi rock,pre cured. Was gonna buy it here on this site. My LFS NEVER has any cured; and I live 2 hours away. Thought I would try ordering it. Do I need to cure it again? i do have a tank to do it in,just didn't want to.
  11. agarr

    HOT Light

    hey! That new light is HOT! What kind of fan do i need?
  12. agarr

    live rock

    :notsure: I am getting ready to order live rock from here,should I go ahead and order fish at that time or should I wait a week or two. How abould corals? I just do not know how stressful shipping is to these and new stuff always stresses a tank a little anyway. I have 50/50 lighting,is that...
  13. agarr

    Removing crushed coral?

    no,i am not an expert! but i just killed a whole tank of fish,this year sucking the coral out because the LFS told me to do it before i put in live sand,had i put the fish in a safe place first,i would not have felt so bad.Now maybe there is a way to do this,but my nitrates went off the chart...
  14. agarr

    Removing crushed coral?

    if you remove your substrate,you will put nitrates in your tank and it will kill your fish. Trust me on this;been there done can put live sand on top of the coral,it is your better choice...Oh and listen to them(other members) yell!!!It does work fine; I have done this,its in my...
  15. agarr

    2 Skimmers at once

    I have a sea clone and i thought it was working good,clean tank...parameters perfect,fish happy..mine is for lg tanks and it was expensive,whats wrong with it? I was going to use it in my new 90 gal tank;should I get a different one?:notsure:
  16. agarr


    The water is filtered then treated..The bulbs are just the ones that came with the tank. There is green algea on the rocks also but only the brown on the glass bothers me. Tank was 2 yrs. old and established, then my fish guy went on vacation and the new guy told me my bed was too deep and i...
  17. agarr


    everything at 0. ph is a little high 8.4..brown stuff started to go its back..i know you guys hate buffers...i have liquid arogonite(calcium?)carbonate? and of course kent marine heater..should i clean the sides and turn off light??the fish are all great and the live rock...
  18. agarr

    big vs small

    roflmaoas i said not all of these are mine,i could maybe use a 10 gal tank? The thought of using a $129.00 tank repulses me :hilarious
  19. agarr

    big vs small

    do i HAVE to use that big of a tank? we have 2 -10's 1-15 1-39 and a 50(not all are mine some belong to kids and some are at our office...but i payed for all of them. That means in essence that i could use any of them...hate to use our 50 as a refuge tank
  20. agarr

    big vs small

    where do i go to learn how to do that?:help: