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  1. erik314

    Help, black algae?

    I had black Algae/slime in my tank. Due to bacteria build up. I treated it with antibiotic and it went away in a few days.
  2. erik314

    skimmer in a coral only tank?

    Acekjd83, I have followed your posts and I am interested in your experience with anaerobic bacteria use for denitrification. I have also read some articles on use of coil filters to create an anaerobic environment. I am working on a DIY experiment by coiling airline tube inside a 2 liter coke...
  3. erik314

    Phosphate levels

    I had phosphate in my water and removed it with a bag of Phosban bought on the net (petsolutions). After one week in my cannister filter it cleared up. I suspect over feeding if you water source is OK.:thinking:
  4. erik314

    blackish,red algie on sand

    Sounds like a bacteria infections. Try antibiotics for 5 days.
  5. erik314

    Black slime algae

    900dublr, I treated the black slime/algae with antibiotics and it took it. I do not use RO water, just a DI filter and I have some nitrate in my water. This caused some algae growth, but manageable. I am now increasing light in my refugium to accelerate nitrate consumption and try to reduce...
  6. erik314

    Black slime algae

    Just to share results. I took a water sample to my LFS and they detected high phosphate, so I bought soem phosban. Also they suggested that it might be a bacteria infection and recommended an antibiotic (I think Myacin). Instead of 1 pill per 10 gallong, I dropped in two [hr] (I have about 80...
  7. erik314

    Brown Stuff covering gravel after three years

    From your picture I would think you have a build up of bacteria, which is generating a algae or slime on your gravel, brown, sometimes black. I have successfully removed such with antibiotica, low dose, about 10 to 15% of what they recommend for bacteria infection on fish. Try it and see if it...
  8. erik314

    Black slime algae

    I have a coralite 4x96 watts of which 2 are 10k white and 2 blue. I have my lights on 10 hours every day. Green algae is growing and the snails are keeping it under control, but with more light it would probably overgrow. I was thinking about more snails and crabs for cleanup and I will buy...
  9. erik314

    Black slime algae

    It is jet black and spreads on substrate, live rocks and dead coral. Hair like threads grows from it upto 1 inch flowing in the current. I take out the rocks and rinse in fresh water and it comes off readily. But I cannot take out everything, specially the gravel and clean it simultaneously. So...
  10. erik314

    Black slime algae

    I have a three months old 55 gal setup with a 30 gal refugium attached. 30 lbs live rock, no fish first month, about 12 hermit crabs and 6 snails, 2 peppermint shrimps, 1 coral cleaner shrimp, Frogspawn coral, starfish, flame angel, copper banded butterfly, 2 percula clowns, 1 clakii clown and a...