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  1. dymaxiun

    New Nano 24g setup...... PICS...

    Not the latest, but better than the last...
  2. dymaxiun

    Uh.. the red stuff is still there....

    I just dont wnat it to get out of control... I really am looking for some advice on how to get rid of it, and control it if it does spread
  3. dymaxiun

    Uh.. the red stuff is still there....

    Uh.. the red stuff is still there.... and i am starting to worry.... here are some pics... The power head is pointed directly to flow between the two rocks... What should I do?
  4. dymaxiun


    E-mail to me also.. Pleeeeese!!!
  5. dymaxiun


  6. dymaxiun

    Well some stuff is starting to spread.. need help ID'ing.. *PIC*

    Originally posted by salt phish is this coralline algae?? Long story... but there were some changes that happened overnight. So when i get home i'll post some pictures... BTW I think they color you are looking at is just the color of the rock...
  7. dymaxiun

    Reading day 4 during initial cycle....

    Originally posted by steelrain It looks to me that your well on your way once your Ammonia and Nitrites = 0 your cycle will be finished. As for you PH when the cycle if finished it should stabilze at around 8.2 ~ 8.3 . The cycle itself causes the PH to drop a little. How are you cycling ...
  8. dymaxiun

    Help Now!!!!! Fish Dying!!!!

    Did you say you added rock? to an existing system?
  9. dymaxiun

    Light Timer? Do they exist?

    Originally posted by gmusick I use X10 equipment to time all of my equipment. If you are not sure what X10 is, it uses your powerline network (your basic electrical outlets) to carry a signal between transmitters and receivers. You can get an X10 USB adapter to hook your computer to your...
  10. dymaxiun

    Light Timer? Do they exist?

    Is there a way i can hook up some sort of timer to my external ballast to regulate the time the lights are actually on. I want the tank to get used to a norlam lighting period. Anyone have any recommendations? suggestions?
  11. dymaxiun

    Reading day 4 during initial cycle....

    Ph = between 7.8 - 8.0ppm Nitrate = 15ppm Nitrite = 2.0ppm Ammonia = 2.0ppm Are these decent conditions for a full cycle?
  12. dymaxiun

    Well some stuff is starting to spread.. need help ID'ing.. *PIC*

    WOO HOO!!! :happy: :happy:
  13. dymaxiun

    Well some stuff is starting to spread.. need help ID'ing.. *PIC*

    Not sure what this is... it has spread over my rock... Is this normal?
  14. dymaxiun

    new 24ga DX?

    Originally posted by AndrewMack i have an will continue to ask tons an tons of questions. LOL. one of my LFS' has a huge tank, like 500+ and i was gunna see if i could buy water from them since its allready cycled. then i could add my fish within a 2-3 weeks instead of 6. i have a big questoin...
  15. dymaxiun

    my tank

    Pretty nice for being 8-weeks old! Congrats... Have you had any problems with it since it was started?
  16. dymaxiun

    Removed the 4 Damsels, and added 10lbs LR... *PIC*

    Originally posted by zanoshano looks good, were the damsles for cycling? do u have any other fish in there? what do you plan to stock in this tank? No the damsels were a conselation prize when I went to my LFS. They were just a couple bucks... so I got em. (knowing how strong they are to...
  17. dymaxiun

    Lighting in the Nano24g

    Still undecided... i will revive this thread once i make my mind up...
  18. dymaxiun

    new 24ga DX?

    Originally posted by ClarkiiClo Technically I guess mine is still in there. LOL I didnt take it out I let it decompose completely How big was it.. was it a cooked one, or a raw one? shell or no shell? Just wondering? It probably doesn't matter...
  19. dymaxiun

    Is surface skimming neccesary with 24G Nano? *PIC*

    Do you notice any difference in the circulation of the surface water?