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  1. fish_guy5

    Squidd...a couple sump questions

    Thanks for the input squidd. Greatly appreciated.
  2. fish_guy5

    Squidd...a couple sump questions

    Hey Squidd. I’m planning a new tank setup (125G Long 72 x 18 x 24H) and could use you opinion on a couple things regarding sump/fuge. I have read a bunch of other threads that you posted on, so I think I have the idea, but just wanted to confirm it. I’ll post a pic of the setup I’m thinking...
  3. fish_guy5

    how many hours should l leave the lights on!

    Your LFS would probably have them. If not, most on-line sites have them. I'm sure this site probably has them.
  4. fish_guy5

    how many hours should l leave the lights on!

    I might go with a few more hermits( maybe 10 instead of 5), but you do have a decent mix there. I wouldn't worry about the shrimp right now. I've never had one, but I've heard that they may on occasion eat your smaller cleaners(hermits) and you can probably do fine without it. I've got a mix...
  5. fish_guy5

    RO/DI question

    Here is some info on one that attached to the sink. Great quality water, but you should read this thread first.
  6. fish_guy5

    how many hours should l leave the lights on!

    Buying some of your crew now and some later should not be a problem. I would rather add them all at once to keep the sand as clean as possible right from the start, but it definitely shouldn't be a big issue.
  7. fish_guy5

    Advice for changing an UGF

    I think adding the rock 5 lbs at a time should work. Just keep a close eye on your levels after adding any. I dont think those small quantities should cause a drastic ammonia spkie, but you never know. As far as adding more sand, I dont believe that should be a problem, but I've also never had...
  8. fish_guy5

    how many hours should l leave the lights on!

    Definitely a good idea to switch to sand. CC and UGF...VERY BAD. Speaking from experience. I just switched mine over about a month ago, and what a difference it makes in tank appearance, cleanliness and water clarity. Make sure you get a good cleaneup crew.
  9. fish_guy5

    Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter

    I also have the AP tapwater filter and think the water quality is great. The only problem with it(like has already been stated), is the cost. It says that one filter should be good for 25-125 G, which will get very costly if it needs to be changed every 25G.....or in my case, after about 18...
  10. fish_guy5

    Juv Emperor Angel losing color

    thanks for the replies. I'll look into that and hopefully I can still do something about it.
  11. fish_guy5

    New 125G setup..opinions

    Thanks for all your input scott.
  12. fish_guy5

    New 125G setup..opinions

    The filter that I have was demonstrated for me at my LFS. The setup they used had the filter under the tank, and had the spray bar up in the tank and the water was still being returned okay. I still may be better off using a separate pump for the return from the sump to the tank. This was...
  13. fish_guy5

    New 125G setup..opinions

    First off, the filter is suitable for a 175G aquarium(volume).....the flow rate is 350 GPH. Now, after talking to a few people here was the idea I had.(And I could be way off base, so someone please let me know if I am....I could easily be missing something not having done this before) I may...
  14. fish_guy5

    New 125G setup..opinions

    thanks for the info scotts. thats a nice setup you've got there. Using the old tank is a good idea. I was going to use it as a QT, but maybe I'll just buy a 20G and use that for the QT.
  15. fish_guy5


    I may try it that way. I'd rather not remove everything if I can avoid it. I'm about due for a water change anyway, so I'll probably give it a shot over the next day or two.
  16. fish_guy5

    New 125G setup..opinions

    Would like some opinions on my new 125G that I'll be setting up in about a month. I've currently got a 40G FOWLR that I've had going for about 7 months. Plan: -FOWLR to begin with (will also have some cleaners snails, hermits…..and a couple of the hardier anemones if possible(depends on the...
  17. fish_guy5


    thanks for the info. I know its definitely going to be a pain to do, but I think it will all be worth it once its finished.
  18. fish_guy5


    thanks thomas. This is the first forum that I've signed up for. Still figuring out all the functions.
  19. fish_guy5


    When I started my tank 7 months ago(FOWLR), someone suggested using crushed coral as the substrate. I regret that now. I want to switch to a reef sand or aragonite substrate. Does anyone have suggestions on how to do this without disrupting the biological filter bed? Any suggestions would be...
  20. fish_guy5


    i dont think its ich. Ich would have puffy white spots on the entire body. It would also affect other fish in the tank. I'm not exactly sure what it is. Whats most disturbing for me is that mine is spending so much time right in the flow of the powerhead. If it was ich he would also be...