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  1. stachy


    Pics, name brand, age? I might be interested in the 400 watt.
  2. stachy

    Coral Keepers 60 gallon coldwater reef tank diary.

    so have you started building or are you still diagramming it? Looks cool so far.
  3. stachy

    LARGE Plywood Tank Build

    wow, just a-maze-ing!!!
  4. stachy

    Coral Keepers 400mL reef tank!!

    The Sea Monkeys took my baby!
  5. stachy

    Recommendation for clean up crew on new 72

    I feel hermits are a must, but just my opinion. I have a 72 gal bow front, and I have 30+ hermits, 50+ snails, and 2 peppermint shrimp. I also have 90+ lbs of LR and 60lbs LS. I like to mix the snails like lion_crazz said. If you do go with hermits, make sure you get empty shells for them to...
  6. stachy

    ID Please!!!

    They don't move, and they are on every piece of live rock and or empty shell lying around. I think they might be nerite snail eggs. I found this article and it seems to be them. Thanks.
  7. stachy

    ID Please!!!

    So, I have started to notice these little white dots scattered throughout my tank. They look like an egg of some sort, maybe snail?? Not sure, what do you think.
  8. stachy

    WTB- Snails and Hermits

    I know someone local to me that is selling blue leg hermits, some red leg, and tubro snails. All are $2 ea. He will not ship but I can pack them up for you if you'd like. You pay shipping.
  9. stachy

    Free Pistol Shrimp

    If you decide to ship, I'm in Sacramento (95826). Of course i'd pay shipping.
  10. stachy

    Elegance Coral - Ok for 14gal Bio-cube?

    Thanks everyone, Looks like I have some reading to do. I will probally just stick with zoa's and rics, but who knows.
  11. stachy

    My 40gal Fragg Tank

    Wish you well in surgery. I'll keep an eye on this post.
  12. stachy

    FLBoy's 29 gallon reef

    Nice rocks! Make sure that large one on top is secure and will not fall forward. And I do see any reason why you couldn't put the heater near the sand. I've seen others do it with no worries.
  13. stachy

    Elegance Coral - Ok for 14gal Bio-cube?

    So, I have noticed a few pics of people with Elegance Coral in there nano tanks. I was wondering is there enough light in the 14 gal Bio-cube to support this coral. I have alway loved these and would hope to be able to get one. My LFS once told me you need at least MH lighting. But who can trust...
  14. stachy

    Coral Keepers 60 gallon coldwater reef tank diary.

    I can't wait to see your tank. Sounds like a cool project. Keep up the good work.
  15. stachy


    Wow, sorry to hear. I know how you feel, I just lost my tank to a fire 1 month ago. My power strip caught fire and burned all of the power cords behind my tank. I was awakened by my fire alarm at 2:30 in the morning. I'm still morning my loss. I think it has made me more obsessed with my tank...
  16. stachy


    Did you mean Overflow? If you did check out this post If not sorry.
  17. stachy

    Dead Rock

    Hot water is good, But I would also cure it in a plastic tub for few weeks before you put it in your tank. Make sure you have a power head and maybe even a heater in it.
  18. stachy

    Explain you username

    Stachy is short for Stachybotrys. Stachybotrys is a genus of mold. The most infamous species, Stachybotrys chartarum (also known as S. atra) is known as "black mold" or "toxic black mold," and is frequently associated with poor indoor air quality that arises after fungal growth on water-damaged...
  19. stachy

    Hitchiker ID !!!!

    Thanks, I gave it a slight beating, LOL. I didn't see any air escape, but I will keep an eye on it for die off.
  20. stachy

    Hitchiker ID!!!!

    Good to know. Its in the QT tank for now, I hope the sponge says alive because its nice and brite in the tank.