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  1. nickyblase

    Help - picasso trigger's stomach VERY bloated!

    I have a hunch that he overate, but not sure. I chopped up a few pieces of uncooked scallop yesterday morning, and last night his stomach (well, it's probably more like his intestines) looks REALLY bloated. The underpart of his belly that is right near his anus is sticking down really far. Not...
  2. nickyblase

    Anyone in the albany/troy, ny area?

    Go to, and under the local reef clubs, there is one for cap. district
  3. nickyblase

    Humu Humu Trigger Gets ALONG!!

    One last thing - make sure if you feed them "people" food, that it is uncooked/raw fish. I'd also try to be cognizant of what additives are in the food. The only things that I feed mine that are not from the LFS are raw cocktail shrimp, and raw scallops & oysters. HTH
  4. nickyblase

    Humu Humu Trigger Gets ALONG!!

    Humu's/Picasso's should be in a tank of at least 60 gallons, if not more. They are very active fish, and need a lot of swimming room, even when small. They are great fish with an unbelievable personality. I am completely enamored by mine. Mine never messed with my shrimp if I put them in...
  5. nickyblase

    How fast to add fish?

    I've done it with 2 weeks in between, but keep in mind how much of a pain in the [hr] it will be trying to get a fish (or multiple) out of a 120 if you go too quickly & get an ich outbreak. Def. go slow and QT them first!! I got lucky stocking them that quickly. I'm pretty sure the rule of...
  6. nickyblase

    clean up crew

    if you have a cyano outbreak, get a fighting conch. It should help, but you'll need to look into what is causing the cyano - nitrates, phosphates, lighting, etc....
  7. nickyblase

    ? on algae

    I'm battling cyano now as well, and have been told it could be any of the following factors: not enough flow bulbs need to be changed high nitrates any amt of phosphates too many nutrients (ties back to nitrates) I've been told that Queen Conchs or fighting conchs can wipe out cyano pretty...
  8. nickyblase

    min tank size for a picasso trigger?

    I've actually got a 65, and it's the only trigger in the tank. Does 5 gallons make a huge difference? I've got a sump & fuge attached to it, and am thinking about making the sump bigger to allow for more water volume (since I'm not currently in the position to buy a new tank) Will he be okay...
  9. nickyblase

    min tank size for a picasso trigger?

    I was on ***********.com reading the specifics they list for a huma huma/picasso trigger, and they say 70 gallons. Is this true?
  10. nickyblase

    New chili coral.

    It's a Chili Coral, and I have one as well. From what I understand, they need to be spot fed quite frequently sinced they're not photosynthetic, and also that they grow upside down in the wild. I knew about the feeding requirements, but just found out that they should be hung upside down, so...
  11. nickyblase

    question about stocking my 55g...

    Missed your comment about the difficulty about getting live rock. I got some really nice Fiji rock from an unnamed auction site shipped to me, and the pricing was actually very good. I'd shop around to see what it would cost to ship. It will last several days in packing with wet newspaper...
  12. nickyblase

    question about stocking my 55g...

    Having a puffer in a 55g would not be a good idea. Even though they are REALLY cute, they get quite big. As far as a sixline wrasse is concerned - you will be fine. I have one in my reef tank which has a peppermint shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, and a ton of other invertebrates, and he is fine...
  13. nickyblase

    long term stocking question

    I was hoping that wouldn't be the answer. I got the Trigger from a local club member who had to break down his tank, and the Koran was a similar thing. They both seem to be pretty happy, and have great personalities, so I would be VERY sad to see them go. I don't really have the money to get...
  14. nickyblase

    long term stocking question

    Hi all - I've got a 65 fish only semi-aggressive tank that I'm looking for insight on long term stocking. Here's what's in there now: 5" (or so) Picasso Trigger 3" or so Juvi Koran Angel 1 Green Chromis 2 "3 stripe" Damsels I am interested in adding in 1) Flame Angel, and 2) either a tang...
  15. nickyblase

    WTB: 20" reef light for 20gal high tank!!

    I have a 20H tank that I run 110W PC's on. I'm in the process of looking for 130W PC's or maybe T5's. If I can find them in the next couple days, I'll sell you mine. I just got the light 3 months ago, and decided I want more wattage. It's got 2 bulbs in it - one 55Watt 10,000K daylight bulb...
  16. nickyblase

    Clean up Crew with triggers

    I have a 5-6" Picasso Trigger, and he goes after the snails, but not the crabs. I also have in there a spiny black urchin & a brittle star & they are doing fine. I would be VERY leery about putting inverts in with copper in the tank though - A UV sterilizer would be a better investment in my...
  17. nickyblase

    puffer not doing well, need help!

    yes- I've got close to 1oolbs of lr and some inverts - a brittle star, some snails (the ones that the trigger hasn't eaten), some hermit crabs, and an urchin.
  18. nickyblase

    puffer not doing well, need help!

    sorry, they are in a 65. My 20gallon is a small reef tank with a chromis and a sixline wrasse. Completely unrelated. Sorry about that. None of the other fish show any signs of ich or stress. I pulled the toby out & put him into QT on Friday, and have ordered a UV sterilizer. If the fish in...
  19. nickyblase

    puffer not doing well, need help!

    you mean when I first introduced him into the tank? I did it nice and slow - probably about an hour. I turned the lights off, temp acclimated for about 20 mins, then started to slowly add a little tank water to his bag. I'd then take a little water out of his bag to make room for more tank...
  20. nickyblase

    how long to run skimmer?

    I'm wondering how long people run their skimmers for on their tanks - do you run it nonstop, or for 24 hours once a week, or as needed? I've got a 20 gallon and a 65 gallon, both have filters on them (the 20 has a HOB whisper, and the 65 has a HOT magnum). Both run carbon, which gets changed...