Search results

  1. kojack

    Live Rock for Sale: Nashu NH.

    Hello, Looking to sell 60-70 pounds of good quality live rock. Looking to break down my tank and convert back to fresh water. Just dont have the time to handle a saltwater tank right now. Will sell the rock for $4 a pound. If interested please email or respond to thread...
  2. kojack

    Live Rock for Sale: Nashua NH.

    Hello, Looking to sell 60-70 pounds of good quality live rock. Looking to break down my tank and convert back to fresh water. Just dont have the time to handle a saltwater tank right now. Will sell the rock for $4 a pound. If interested please email or respond to thread...
  3. kojack

    Aggressive Lawnmower Blenny?

    i suspect my lawnmower blenny is the cause of several missing fish of mine. I was also told he was not agressive but i dont beilve this to always be the case.
  4. kojack

    Fish missing/ is it worms that come out at night?

    Within the past month and a half i have purchased: royal gramma 2 purple firefish bi color blenny manadrin gobie all of which I saw for about 2 days and they all disapeared at night. I got a flash light and checked out the tank at night after the lights had been off for several hours. Near one...
  5. kojack

    For Sale: 55 Gallon Saltwater Set Up!

    where r u located?
  6. kojack

    fish for sale

    where are you located.
  7. kojack

    Large Hippo Tang for Sale Nashua NH.

    Large Hippo Tang for sale has outgrown my tank in the nashua nh area. post reply if interested.
  8. kojack

    Hippo Tang for Sale Nashua NH.

    I am leaving for new jersey today after work at 5 and wont be back in the nashua nh area untill sunday afteroon. If you seriously want this fish I will meet you some where and you can have him for 30 dollors. Just let me know if this works for you. It would have to be some time next week. Sorry...
  9. kojack

    Hippo Tang for Sale Nashua NH.

    I had him in my 55 reef. I have moved him to my 65 hex which is a rather large tank he is in there now with my panther grouper. Doing well eating his face is gray though if you had ever seen older larger hippo tangs this tends to happen to them but he is extremly healthy just has lost color...
  10. kojack

    Hippo Tang for Sale Nashua NH.

    I would rather not ship to much of a hassle where are you located?
  11. kojack

    Anyone in NH

    yes aquatic attic and sea world both located in salem nh have a good amount of stuff.
  12. kojack

    Hippo Tang for Sale Nashua NH.

    Hello, I have a large hippo tang for sale prob about 5 inches long for sale in Nashua New Hampshire. Fish has out grown my tank and would love to give it a nice home. Please contact me if your are interested. Post a reply to this thread. Asking 45 dollors or bo. Thanks, Kojack
  13. kojack

    What should my new fish be? need suggestions

    80 pounds live rock 55 gallon tank. Currently: Yellow Tang Lawnmower blenny Clown Royal Gramma 2 blue chromius. Corbanded shrimp cleaner shrimp What should my next fish be can i fit another fish all fish i have now are smaller in size?????? I was thinking Hippo Tang some type of angel.
  14. kojack

    Just added live rock please read!!

    The live rock was cured it came right out of someones tank a well established 200 gallon.
  15. kojack

    Just added live rock please read!!

    I just added 45 pounds of live rock to my tank bringing the total to about 80 pounds of live rock. Water test done today about 2 hours ago was perfect my buddy and i were suprised about how good the water was we were expecting a ammonia spike. Tons of mushrooms and polyps all over this rock...
  16. kojack

    Tons of stuff for sale.

    Live Rock and Corals for sale in Nashua NH. Please contact me via phone number # 603-889-1805 Will not ship come check it out. Ask for Jeff.
  17. kojack

    tank wont clear.....

    Clean filter pads and do a water change this should help.
  18. kojack

    feather duster molted feed or not??

    They dont molt same thing happend to mine feathers came out because the yellow tang was nipping at it give it time it will come back out. Mine came back out bigger then the first one took about 4 weeks.
  19. kojack

    Royal Gramma

    Hello I recently purchased a royal gramma for my 55 gallon reef tank. He is a very nice looking fish nice one at the shop rather large in size. The fish has been in the tank for about 4 days now he has been chased several times by my yellow tang. He now hides in a cave in my live rock i can see...
  20. kojack

    Is to much current bad for polyps

    That sounds about right.