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  1. sk8america

    freshwater how much salt is to much?

    i know salt is bad for plants but i have been told to add salt to my community tank to keep my fish healthy but i read that is some amount the salt can cause the ammonia remover to release ammonia does anyone know how much of a concentration that would be
  2. sk8america

    Anybody from CANADA?

    i live in winnipeg and am willing to trade some of my frags right now i have some green branching hammers that are ready to go.
  3. sk8america

    freshwater how much salt is to much?

    should i have a teaspoon of salt per 5 gallons in my freshwater aquarium if i am running an ammonia remover in my filter or will it react funny with the salt. does anyone know how much salt i can have before it starts to react with the ammonia remover.
  4. sk8america

    what is a dyno phlagulate

    i dunno if i spelled it right sounds like dino flagulat
  5. sk8america

    Coralife 72" LUNAR AQUALIGHT

    u can have many different corals with that i have lps as well as sps in my 120 with a similar unit and the are all doing wonderful
  6. sk8america

    I.D. this coral please!!

    looks like a cabbage leather
  7. sk8america

    starting a buisness

    i am thinking about starting an at home marine cultureing buisness does anyone know of any sites or places where i can get wholesale corals fish etc to start me off right now i have several corals. clownfish , wrasses and other fish that are breeding for me but i need to upgrade some of my stock...
  8. sk8america

    ? about harlequin shrimp

    they will eat any slow moving starfish so probably the only ones they dont really eat are serpents and brittle stars anything else is fair game
  9. sk8america

    t5 lighting

    so t5 are good then i have had my pc for like 5 months but when i upgrad i will need a longer light the t5s that my work brought in are ridiculously cheaper than my pc unit do u think i should go for them
  10. sk8america

    t5 lighting

    i have some questions for anyone who has ever used t5 lighting. is there 2 different kinds of t5 no and vho? if so how do i know the difference ? is it better then pc or the same?
  11. sk8america

    GregM779s 125G Reef 10 Months Old

    wow nice tank thats what my 55 gallon is starting to look like and i hope that my new 120 will look lke that to
  12. sk8america

    everything you know about a branching frogspawn

    they are a pretty easy coral to care for they prefer med light so pretty much anytwhere in ur tank they should be happy. it all depends on what kind of lighting they r used to. they do have stinging tenticles although i have had mine fro quite awhile and it hasnt stung anything yet do just keep...
  13. sk8america

    pics of my 55 gallon
  14. sk8america

    the dream is finally coming true

    sure thing when i have it set up i will post pics im am trying to post pics of my 55 but the camera is being stupid.
  15. sk8america

    bristle tooth tang

    it doesn't have orange fins and it is bigger than a kole tang i wish i had a pic but he is still at the lfs
  16. sk8america

    the dream is finally coming true

    finally after two years in this hobby i can upgrade my puny 55 gallon into my brand new 120. yup by the end of this summer i will be the owner of a brand new 120 reef. really its my fishes fault or my blue tang actually i am spending over 3 grand to give him a bigger home.
  17. sk8america

    clown hosting in brain

    i was thinking about adding another anemone i can't really remove him b/c i would have to take the whole tank apart. I wish i had a camera to take a pic though bc it is kinda funny
  18. sk8america

    clown hosting in brain

    my ocellaris clown is hosting in my green brain and its pissing it right off is there anything i can do asap i have had anemones but the dont like it in my tank . i dont want him to kill my brain it was rather expensive and is one of my favorite corals
  19. sk8america

    bristle tooth tang

    ah crap then i have no idea what kind he is he kinda looks like a kole tang but he is a greyish color with beige lines
  20. sk8america

    The cure for the failing goniopora

    ive had my gonipora fro quite awhile i dont add iron or mag tho i just spot feed it once a week and it has more than triple in size since i got it