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  1. fishy7

    Naso getting very skinny

    He along with the others get seaweed everynight and rotate marine cusine, emerald entre, squidd, mysis shrimp and brine. All my other tangs are doing great. My naso is older and not sure how old he is???? My water is on the mark with no issues.
  2. fishy7

    Naso getting very skinny

    My Naso is eating and swimming like the rest of my fish, but he is loosing weight. Any thoughts?? Thank you
  3. fishy7

    XM bulbs

    What do you think about XM bulbs. I have to replace my 3 HQI 150's? I have used coralife and was not impressed and reeflux which were very good.
  4. fishy7

    redrilling acrylic

    ohh that is perfect! Thanks for the help!
  5. fishy7

    redrilling acrylic

    Thanks for the thought. The acrylic is 1/2" thick.
  6. fishy7

    redrilling acrylic

    I have sump that was drilled for a 1" BH can I redrill the same hole for a 2" BH?
  7. fishy7

    Light died and not sure why

    Perfect thanks for the info!
  8. fishy7

    Light died and not sure why

    I have a current model 1016 which is a PC unit with 2x65W actinic & 2x65w day. I replaced the bulbs about 2 months ago with no issues. I started to notice the day bulbs looked as though they were not getting enough power. Yesterday they stopped working. The fan comes on, but lights do not...
  9. fishy7

    Changed the flow to manage mircorbubbles.

    I was tired of all the mircobubbles coming from the skimmer. So I now have it pouring into the top, passing through filter pad. It really did not make any difference. Any suggestions? Thank you.
  10. fishy7

    Ready to zap but want to make sure

    Still need to zapp either way?
  11. fishy7

    Ready to zap but want to make sure

    I have a very large RBTA and GBTA and also have a grouping of smaller anemones very close by. I'm ready to get rid of them if they are aptasia but I am not sure. Thanks for the help!
  12. fishy7

    1hat are the must see fish stores while in MASS

    Any one have suggestions?
  13. fishy7

    Adding fish

    I have a 561 and currently have just a buch of small fish. I have a large naso yellow and purple i am ready to add. Think this will be ok in such a large tank or should I add them one at a time over the course of a month or two? The tank has been up and running for 1.5 months Thanks
  14. fishy7

    best way to get fish out

    Thanks bang. I do not want to kill any of my rock or xneia or suff like that. os it will be ok to be exposed for lets say 1/2 hour?
  15. fishy7

    best way to get fish out

    I have a naso tang that I need to remove from the tank. Think it will be ok to dran the enough water and scoop him out?
  16. fishy7

    How soon

    How seasoned does a tank need to be before adding clams?
  17. fishy7

    T5 lighing ?

    think it's enough to support a GBTA
  18. fishy7

    Need answer today please on lights for 210.

    Hey Doodle I would suggest the Current outer orbit 72" unit with T5's and 250HQI's. The 150HQI are also a good buy. My friend has the 250W unit on his 215 and WOW it looks great. I use the coralife 72" 150HQI and actinics unit for 3 years with no issues. I have all sorts of light hungary...
  19. fishy7

    flow/bubble problem. Need advice

    Hi guys, I hoping some one come up with some good ideas on a couple issues I am having with my tank. The tank has been up and running for 2 months now, completed cycling and now ready to get the refugium started. 2 main issues. bubbles and flow. The current set up: I have 2 1 1/2 drains that...
  20. fishy7

    Is it safe?

    How long has your tank been up and running?