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  1. djcanis

    Can Fish Choke on large pieces of food???

    I guess you could call it a smile, its mouth is finally closed... lol, I havent been able to get it to eat for 4 or 5 days, so I know its hungry... Not to up on the anatomy nad digestive nature of fish so I'm not sure if its ok for them to suck down a piece of food almost half their total...
  2. djcanis

    Can Fish Choke on large pieces of food???

    I ask this cause I have a fuzzy dwarf lion that I have been working on getting to eat frozen food. I have had it in a breeder box inside my tank. Just a few minutes ago I was about to feed the tank and dropped a large piece of krill into the breeder box. The krill piece was at least twice the...
  3. djcanis

    What Next

    I would like something schooling if possible. The clowns are paired, although the bigger clown seesm to like to swin with the tang more then the other clown, they seem to be inseperable. With the gobies... I can only have one correct? I must choose wisely... Are their any I should stay away...
  4. djcanis

    What Next

    Ok, so I am trying to get some options as to what to add to my tank next. Here is what I am working with. 90gal tank, 30 gal sump. 145lbs of LR, 95lbs of LS. Dual 175WT MH and dual 96wt T5 Act's. So far in the tank I have a pair of True Percs, Blue Hippo Tang, Algae Blenny, Royal Gamma...
  5. djcanis

    Hitchhicker Snails? ID maybe?

    So what is the "proper" way to dispose of them? So far only found 2... I take it they are very very small then? Like I said the two I found could easily fit on a dime and have space to roam around...
  6. djcanis

    Hitchhicker Snails? ID maybe?

    Spanko, love the hopey-changey pic... Absoutely great... I have a filter pad on my return pump so anything in the sump will have a rough time getting back into the tank... It filters out everything, including sand, so I am not to worried... I'm more concerned where they came from. I havetn...
  7. djcanis

    Hitchhicker Snails? ID maybe?

    Any ideas where they may have come from? What else do they eat besides zoo's? I am debating throwing them in my sump fuge... I hate to kill any living creature, even if they are eating my stuff...
  8. djcanis

    Hitchhicker Snails? ID maybe?

    I found this last night, it had ate a nice line right through my green zoo's. Took it out, its now in a little cup of tank water, found a second one later again on the coral. Its a snail of some sort... It looks almost like the margarita's but tiny... Its about the size of the a thumb...
  9. djcanis

    Help, Gorg looking pale

    I have been fighting and off and on battle with green ahir algae... What is the best way to "clean" the algae off the gorg? I looked it over, it could be a good possibility. All my other gorgs look good...
  10. djcanis

    Help, Gorg looking pale

    Its been alive for quite some time, I have had it a few months and the guy I bought it from had it over a year before he took down his tank... I had noticed a decent ammount of growth lately and then out of the blue it just started to turn...
  11. djcanis

    Help, Gorg looking pale

    Its a blueberry, similar to the yellow only the polyps are blue not white... I also feed photoplanktin for a few other things in the tank as well as mysis so there is plenty of nourishment in the tank
  12. djcanis

    Help, Gorg looking pale

    Here is a couple pics....
  13. djcanis

    Help, Gorg looking pale

    My blueberry gorg isnt looking so good. Its losing a lot of its color and the polyps dont seem to be opening up... Water quality is perfect all other paramaters are where they should be. As for lights, I am using dual 175 MH and a 96wt 10,000K power compact. I have it in good flow with...
  14. djcanis

    Water Levels

    Was using coralife now I have a box of instant ocean.
  15. djcanis

    Water Levels

    Ok, here are my water parameters... Should I be testing anything else? My calcium and KH seem a bit off, any suggestions? I read about ading baking soda to reduce calcium and raise karbonite, anyone have experience? Temp 80 Sg 1.024 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5.0 Phospate 0 pH 8.2 Calcium...
  16. djcanis

    talk me out of quitting the hobby

    I think we have all been at that point. But you WILL miss it. I had my first tank up and running for 3 years, followed my home from college and beyond that, this past december we in upstate NY were hit with an ice storm, lost power for 6 days, lost everything in my 2nd tank despite my best...
  17. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    No, no filter sock, been running the canister and 2 hob's with carbon. Its clearing good, gonna leave work eraly and start to get everything back in...
  18. djcanis

    Coral Placement

    I checked the coral chart, and maybe I am just not familiar with the proper names and what not, but I am want to make sure I do this right when I put everything back. Here is a list of coral I have, I am running dual 175 MH and dual 96 T5 Act's. Where shoudl I place these and with how much...
  19. djcanis

    6 Line in a slime bubble

    Ok, so if you read my post from last night you knwo how much of an idiot I am. I noticed before going to bed last night my 6 Line was inside a giant bubble of slime, it was against one of the few pieces of rock in the tank. About 3 or 4 am I woke up to check on the live stock and corals, and...
  20. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    Yeah I did, its been 12 hours, tank levels all tested zero this morning, except Nitrates, .25. SG was a little high, 1.026, that will come down with the water change. All the live stocl looks good so far... I'm still wondering why I did that. 7+ years in the hobby you would think I know...