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  1. chipmunk

    2 Wrasse missing in my tank

    well I found my 2 wrasse. They were both jumpers. Found them laying behind my tank.
  2. chipmunk

    2 Wrasse missing in my tank

    This week I put 2 wrasse in my reef tank and have not seen them. I looked high and low. inbetween all my rock work and even put some extra brime shrimp in to try to lure them out. Where do you think they went. Are they the masters of hiding?
  3. chipmunk

    Wrasse Question

    I got a Longfin Wrasse
  4. chipmunk

    Another Wrasse Question

    I just put a longfing Wrasse in my reef tank. Can I keep another reef safe wrasse with it?
  5. chipmunk

    Wrasse Question

    So I should stay with the reef safe wrasse
  6. chipmunk

    Wrasse Question

    Are most Wrasse Reef Safe?
  7. chipmunk

    UPDATE on Feater Starfish

    I will try to post some picture later today after work.
  8. chipmunk

    UPDATE on Feater Starfish

    Well its been two 3 weeks now and so far so good wit the feather startfish. I must say they are awsome.
  9. chipmunk


    Anyone have some more clams to show off.
  10. chipmunk


    I had to put a picture of my oyster on also. This makes 6 clams and 1 oyster in my tank.
  11. chipmunk


    Hay guy over the weekend I got 2 new clams here they are. The colors are not that good yet but there coming around.
  12. chipmunk

    You'll never believe what happened to me last night..

    Very very awsome story
  13. chipmunk

    Photos of my reef tank.

  14. chipmunk

    anybody make a Koy pond?

    Koi Ponds are awsome. I built one in my yard about 2 years ago and my fish are going strong. I will post some picture for you to see later on when I get home from work.
  15. chipmunk


    Lets see some more clams
  16. chipmunk

    Clam stays shut when lights are on.

    I have 6 clams and a oyster in my reef tank and I see that you posted that where you have the clam there is very little water flow. I would try moving the clam into some water flow. Everyone of my clams like to be in some sort of water flow or add another power head to your tank.
  17. chipmunk

    Don't know what to do anymore. Brown Stuff

    I never use RO water and my tank is awsome and have no browing issues. I think if you where to install some UV on your tank this would solve your problem.
  18. chipmunk

    Don't know what to do anymore. Brown Stuff

    Do you have UV on your tank?
  19. chipmunk

    A couple Bubble coral ?'s

    very very nice tank
  20. chipmunk


    I keep clams on the bottom of a bare bottom tank and set them on an old clam shell.