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  1. brotox

    Iodine/ Freshwater Dip

    I would also like to know this, as my zoos have slowly been disappearing, and I have yet to find the reason why.
  2. brotox

    Zoanthids dying but acros doing great??? Please help me

    I have been battling this problem for quite a while as well. I noticed in the top pic the dark red algae on the left. I also have this growing on my zoas. First I thought it was cyano, but it doesn't brush off like that does. I thought maybe it was coralline, but it is not really flakey like...
  3. brotox

    Help.... Lighting problem !!!

    if you want to keep anemones or sps corals, definitely go with the 250's. They need the high intensity of the metal halides.
  4. brotox

    little spikes

    Sorry to bring up an old post, but I haver been having a problem with these as well. The secretion they let out get all over my corals and they dont open all the way. Is there ayway to get rid of these?
  5. brotox

    can I have a sand-sifting cuke with.......

    I'm not completely sure, but I don't think anything should really bother it. I have one in a 20g with a cbs and a green brittle star. They have all been in there well over a year and are all doing great.
  6. brotox


    i don't think it matters. Just make sure you keep them in high flow areas, and little to no light if they are non-photosynthetic-- those usually have white polyps. That helps to keep any algea from growing on them.
  7. brotox

    please help cuke dying????

    do they look like sand clumps or more like long threads? If it looks like clumps of sand then its probably just poop. touch one and see if it dissintegrates.
  8. brotox

    I just got my Pulsing Xenia!

    I have a xenia that was damaged pretty bad in shipping. All that was left was what was attached to the rocks. Whithin about a week new heads started popping out and stocks started growing.
  9. brotox

    encrusted gorgonian advice

    I got about an inch square of this stuff for my first coral, and within about 6 months it covered a 6x8" rock. It really looks great when it waves around in the current. It think it should be fine under that lighting. It may just spread a little slower, which isn't such a bad thing.
  10. brotox

    Distilled water VS. RO-DI water

    I was buying ro water from the machine at my walmart, but looked at the last service date and it had been well over 6 months since it had been checked. Now I just buy the distilled jugs, since my wife would kill me if I bought an ro unit.
  11. brotox

    Squidd help wiring lighting Plz!

    I got it thanks for your help. I can't wait to get it on my tank.
  12. brotox

    Help wiring MH

    I got it! Thanks so much for your help. I can't wait to get it on the tank.
  13. brotox

    Help wiring MH

    Whats the xfmr? Thanks for the help. I'll give it a try.
  14. brotox

    Squidd help wiring lighting Plz!

    It's a se 100w M90. the ballast says 100 - 0204. The diagram on my ballast has been worn off, but that doesn't really matter cause I can't figure it out anyways. I found a diagram on-line thats about the same as yours and still can't figure it out.
  15. brotox

    Squidd help wiring lighting Plz!

    Squidd could you please help me wire up my ballast, capacitor, and ignitor. I saw a post you had with pics and the equipment looks almost identical to what you have. I have another post in this section of the forum, a few people...
  16. brotox

    What kind of light just for anenomes???

    You would probably want to check the big auction site. Halide lighting units can be very expensive, but I have seen some good deals on that site.
  17. brotox

    Help wiring MH

    thanks, I'll check it out.
  18. brotox

    What kind of light just for anenomes???

    Most anemones require metal halides, and with those you can keep any coral. For a bubble tip or codi anemone, you may be able to get by with vho or pc lights, not sure though. His clowns still wouldn't be guaranteed to host though.
  19. brotox

    Help wiring MH Not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to this site, but this is the diagram I found.
  20. brotox

    Help wiring MH

    From the small coil on the ballast is 3 wires: lamp, tap, and 120v. From the larger coil is 2 com wires, a cap wire, and the other 3 volt wires I wont be using. The capacitor doesn't have any wires, it has 2 nodes to hook wires to it. The ignitor has a red lamp wire, blue tap, and white com. The...