Search results

  1. ntrigger

    100 gallon tank for sale

    I have a 100g tank for sale with stand and top. Also has salt water decoration, lights 2 that came with tank and 1 that has a moon light on it. It also includes a uv sterilizer, and pumps. I don't have the salt water filter anymore only have the 2 bio wheel filters. Asking $300 If you are...
  2. ntrigger

    Need to sell Tank...

    I am needing to sell my 100g tank salt water tank it is estabished and has fish currently in it. Fish that are in tank currently are: 1-Lion approx. 12"1yr 1-Yellow Tang 1 1/2yr 1-Bi-colored angel 1 months 1-snow flake eel approximatly 16 to 18" 6months 1-Wrasse 1-stars and stripes puffer...
  3. ntrigger

    What goes good with a humu-humu trigger?

    I have a Niger Trigger, Stars & Stripes puffer, Humu Trigger, Volitan Lion, Bicolored angel, and a Lunar wrasse. They were introduced in that order but I picked the fish acording to the size of the fish I all ready had in my tank. They all get along very well have not seen any aggression to...
  4. ntrigger

    PArents and tattoos

    Originally Posted by snailheave i think i am going to end myself, come back, and tell you my opinion on suicide. if you need to 'show' others your committment to your family, you probably don't love them enough. someone could say that you don't love your family because you don't have their...
  5. ntrigger

    PArents and tattoos

    Originally Posted by snailheave i think i am going to end myself, come back, and tell you my opinion on suicide. if you need to 'show' others your committment to your family, you probably don't love them enough. I don't have to show them this is what I wanted to do If you are not into tattos...
  6. ntrigger

    PArents and tattoos

    I agree, if your family is not into the tattos then it will not matter what you get. I have a jesus on my arm and My wifes name and 2 daughters names on my back. My mother was not exactly happy when I got my tattos but It meant a lot to me to get my family's names on my back that I went ahead...
  7. ntrigger

    Agressive Yellow Tang??

    You should not put 2 tangs in the same tank They recommend you get 1 or 3 or more. They eventually start picking on each other like your's are. So I would recommend you moving one to another tank if you have one or returning it for store credit. Before it dies of starvation or gets killed...
  8. ntrigger

    Agressive Yellow Tang??

    Well the recomendation for tangs is that you get 1 or more than 2. They will start butting heads like they are now the thing to do would be to return one before it dies. One has obviously staked his ground and is the dominent one. You'll also hear that tangs should not be in tanks smaller...
  9. ntrigger

    brothers 30g puzzels me

    double posted ingore (sorry)
  10. ntrigger

    30g fish tank

    My brother has a 30g salt water fish tank, he had 3 damsels in it for about 6 months never has done a water change. Has had no problems with any of his levels. He recently put 1 yellow tang, 1 Puffer (very little), 1 lawnmore blemmy, 1 clown Fish, I can't rembember what else he has a total of...
  11. ntrigger

    will it??

    Originally Posted by Darth Tang If it is a woman's fart the answer is NO! Their farts don't stink. Unless my girlfriend has lied to me for the past few years. Her nose didn't grow when she told you this, Did it? (just Joking)
  12. ntrigger

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    Originally Posted by NW2SLTFSH True, but ver funny clip
  13. ntrigger

    The Funny Picture Thread!

    :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
  14. ntrigger

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    Originally Posted by cirrusdawg i have to work to pay for gas to go to work. I pretty much stay home anyways. I guess there will be less snowmobiling this winter for me You can only do what you can, I know price's are going to continue to rise, but i just hope for the best.
  15. ntrigger

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    Originally Posted by cirrusdawg how can you limit your driving when yo have to drive 52 miles a day to get to and frome work?? Stay at home more....I am cutting out going out if I really don't need to. But this is jut me. My wife and kids woun't mind much, we can do a lot of stuff at home.
  16. ntrigger

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    Before anyone gets all upset, I don't like the price of gas going up. Not much I can do about it, just limit all my drivig around. It's going to hurt my pocket this weekend going out of town. But not letting that stop me. :joy:
  17. ntrigger

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    how high will they go
  18. ntrigger

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    Originally Posted by Darth Tang You have to wipe your butt also, but would you spend say 40.00 on a package of TP? is it soft? Is there a limited supply of tp ? May go as high as 55.
  19. ntrigger

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    Originally Posted by Darth Tang You have to wipe your butt also, but would you spend say 40.00 on a package of TP? Why make comments like this, big diffrence between cleanig your a** and needing to move aournd and make a living.
  20. ntrigger

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    2.89 in dallas don't like it but we have move around.