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  1. ntrigger

    New fish pic...

    nice fish
  2. ntrigger

    Can you give me some info please

    also read their guarantee. I am planning on ordering from here the next week or so. I just have to make sure me or my wife will be here for the delivery. Only reason i have not yet ordered. h*
  3. ntrigger


    on the side bar for this website it has the acclimation process. It says that you should separate the two into different bukets fish in one and ivet. in other. h*
  4. ntrigger


    Depends on the trigger, My Niger trigger gets along with my lion fish. they don't really pay attention to each other.
  5. ntrigger

    yet another ich ? Does it look somethign like this. :notsure:
  6. ntrigger

    yet another ich ?

    Black ich is just the reaction to the parasite. I am at work right now but I can post the Dip infromation to you when I get home. The cleaner shrip will help out a lot my tang is doing great kind of funny I saw the shrip stuck on my tang cleaning him last night. I will post the information...
  7. ntrigger

    Why Puffers "Puff"?

    I feed mine gosht shrimp, snails, frozen krill, all this helps were the puffers teeth down. From what i have read anything that has a shell that they can eat will help them. Mine really like the snails Id wake every morning and see them tumped over were he has been trying to get to them. He...
  8. ntrigger

    yet another ich ?

    Possibel black ich. It is not actually ich it is the raction to aparisite that has been on it and leaves that mare after it has detached, from what i have read. One of my yellow tankg would get it a lot thesmaller tang was fine. I diped both tangs and treated their tank for ich they are doing...
  9. ntrigger

    paired up clownfish??

    I had 2 clown fish they did really well together but their was one that was smaller than the other.long story short the little one would go after my had every time i would put it in the tank. Did not matter were the fish was at in the tank he would come up and bite my hand. It would do this...
  10. ntrigger

    Explain where your user name originated

    not to much to mine ntrigger ( niger Trigger) I really liked this fish my wife bought one and at first i really din't like it but the more I looked at it I really like the personality of the fish it follows me when I walk by the tank even after he has eaten he or she is kind of cool.
  11. ntrigger

    Why Puffers "Puff"?

    my puffer has done it a few times. 1 time he did it when i was pulling him out to put him in my QT he puffed as i was pulling him out with my net. Scared the hell out of me because I thougt he had filled up with air instead of water but when i put him in the QT he when back to normal as soon...
  12. ntrigger

    Water temp, what's yours?

    thanks for the tips going to go and get 2 300 watt heaters today. :happyfish
  13. ntrigger

    55gal pics wanted!

    Junkie I agree looks great
  14. ntrigger

    55gal pics wanted!

    I agree with that Junkie. like that tank looks really great.
  15. ntrigger

    Water temp, what's yours?

    My heater is set at 82 the highest it go's. In the morning tank temp gets to 81 or 82. At night it miht go down to 78 to 79 My wife keeps the house really cold at night 70 or 71. in the morning I keep the a/c set at 75. I guess my wife is freezing my fish butt off to. Is the house temp...
  16. ntrigger

    HARRY POTTER - the final countdown!!!!

    don't pay attention to this reply my 4 year old wanted to see all these animations at work. sorry :scared: :scared: ' :mad:
  17. ntrigger

    What!?! Snails Reproducing?

    I have them too but i think my trigger has been helping me out I don't see as many. :happy:
  18. ntrigger

    Fish compatibility

    I see what your talking about. It would make it easier to read. vm
  19. ntrigger

    aggresive powder brown tang

    I have just started over with my 100g tank I have a 2" yellow tang and a 2 " niger trigger. They seem to be doing well is the aggressivness come in right away or as time passes. Trigger was introduced first then tang.
  20. ntrigger

    Fish compatibility

    according to this chart they are compatibel. Is that right? You just have to look on both sides of the chart not that hard to read. :happyfish