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  1. fallinmor

    Anyone know how big a blackfoot lion gets?

    well the watchman is like 4 inches long. he's huge. when i got him i had no idea they got that big. idk i really would like another lion but not at the sacrifice of my watman.
  2. fallinmor

    Anyone know how big a blackfoot lion gets?

    Anyone know how big a blackfoot lion gets? and would a small lion be ok in a tank with a pistol shrimp. ( the shrimp has a yellow watchman partner and is 3+ inches)
  3. fallinmor


    i think they might be cichlids
  4. fallinmor

    Am I nuts?

    more power to u, i also break some rules but i'm afraid to realy mess with some stuff. but yeah keep it up u rebel u.
  5. fallinmor

    Do pistol shrimp molt?

    they molt but inside thier burrow, u can tell because they close up the exit for a day or so.
  6. fallinmor

    My first fish how do you entice to eat..

    take a small cup put frozen or dried food in it, take a clover of garlic and crush it then place it in the cup add watter from ur tank and let it sit for a couple min then poor a little in the tank or use an eye dropper to slowly add the smell of the food in the water. the fish should smell it...
  7. fallinmor

    GREEN finger/stick looking things????

    i think it's small shaving brush plants
  8. fallinmor


    i don't have the tank yet, but i think it's 36 high. i would like for it to be a mainly acro and monti tank with some clams.
  9. fallinmor


    what halide lights would i need for 120 gallon high tank? and how often does one need to change the bulbs on a halide lamp?
  10. fallinmor

    Whats a fish's lifespan

    chromis have like a 15-20 year life expectancy but it realy depends on water quality and over all happiness of the fish.
  11. fallinmor

    Shrimp or Hermit crabs

    yeah so far the only reason i thought of this is because hermits are destructive and knock coral and rocks over, where as i have never seen like peppermint shrimp knock over polyps. if i'm mistaken and shrimp do knock things over i guess the only answer would be glue.
  12. fallinmor

    Shrimp or Hermit crabs

    I was wondering if one could substitute like camelback or peppermint shimp in the place of hermits.
  13. fallinmor

    Clown gobies

    thanx tang but now my question is water flow? i have a very strong intake for my filter i sponged it off before but it's still real strong would the smaller fish be able to put up with it?
  14. fallinmor

    Clown gobies

    Is it possible to house like 3 or 4 clown gobies in a 20 high? would they fight alot over space?
  15. fallinmor


    anywhere if there is good current.try lower and aim a pump at it so u have more room for corals up top.
  16. fallinmor

    something that eats gorgonians

    yeah it's very beautifuli think i'm just going to give to a friend who wants it. but thanx for the info.
  17. fallinmor

    something that eats gorgonians

    i bought a gorgonian from this site a few weeks ago and it came with this hard shelled invert it looked like a long snail. it is a realy nice red orange it seemed to be eating my gorgonian so i took it out. what should i do with it i only saw the damage today? anyone else have one of these? it...
  18. fallinmor

    sun coral

    it's a nocternal feeder and if you got it from your lfs it opens at specific times because of feeding paterns of the store. but as to why others open all the time it depends on placement and water quality.
  19. fallinmor

    What the heck is this??

    probably a sea squirt
  20. fallinmor

    5.5 nano

    goby and pistol shrimp would be ok but most won't recomend it because of the work involved in it. constantly topping off water and water changes, i would just buy a ten gallon tank. as for light halide is the best, not sure about flouresent if you can get them in a small size. figure at least 5...