Search results

  1. sunburnt

    Awesome eel and others for sale in MD

    If the moray has not been sold, I'm interested, providing that you'd be willing to ship to central Texas... And if you are... I might also be interested in the lion and the crab as well (he could maybe kill my Gorilla crab and avenge my poor much-mourned-for Mantis!!) Let me know! Darla
  2. sunburnt

    Help with wrasse ID, please!

    Come again...?! You mean I *finally* lucked into a good deal on livestock? Wonders never cease! Thanks, Lion... everyone. His name is Barry. Wrasse Barry. heh. I gots jokes. :hilarious
  3. sunburnt

    Help with wrasse ID, please!

    Thanks guys. I'm going to have to go with Dogstar and the others that suggested the Thalassoma quinquevittatum / Five-stripe / Red Ribbon... Looks like he's going to be the smallest in the tank. Good thing he speeds around like a crackhead most of the time... Heh. Is $20 an okay price, or did...
  4. sunburnt

    Early Birthday Present

    Wow! And I thought I would NEVER find a grouper pretty!! (No offense guys, just don't like the others!) Andy - when you say he's almost completely dark... you DO mean that the blue lines are still very visible right? Any chance of pics sans the light lines? :-( Sorry you're having to deal with...
  5. sunburnt

    Help with wrasse ID, please!

    I've never seen a lunar that looked like this guy... and I'll have to recheck the Neon... LOL! The world may never know!
  6. sunburnt

    Help with wrasse ID, please!

    Jam1e - No problem. I don't think people get upset, it just generally isn't as affective to ask an unrelated question inside a thread when it gets much more attention in its own thread. I have looked through every site, and with all the color and pattern variations - especially between...
  7. sunburnt

    Help with wrasse ID, please!

    I watched this wrasse at the LFS for a few weeks, and he has a great personality so I finally bought him... but no one at the LFS knew what kind he was. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. sunburnt

    eel on hunger strike

    Whatever happened with this? My kidako went on a mini-strike for 9 days when I first transferred him from the 90 into the 215... and I was just beginning to freak out when he FINALLY decided to eat the silversides and squid I was offering... In the WalMart near me, they sell little styrofoam...
  9. sunburnt


    I have a 215 with a G. kidako eel, a porc puffer, and a teensy yellow damsel, and am going to add one additional "small" eel and maybe a few "small" fish for color... and I think that will still be pushing it. Even if filtration wasn't an issue and your water readings were always "perfect"...
  10. sunburnt

    RO waste water

    I usually drain my waste water into the pool. I've also used it to wash my car, drinking water for my dogs, water my house plants, mop the floor, and in my carpet steam cleaner. You can find ways to use it!
  11. sunburnt

    striped dogface puffer

    YGM, Moatdaddy. What does that MEAN, by the way? Moatdaddy. :thinking: I can only picture someone grinding out "Who's yo daddy?" to a trench full of crocs. That can't be right... :hilarious
  12. sunburnt

    My work in progress

    You have a lot of nice color- LOVE the zoas! I would suggest... a black background to bring the colors out. The wiring etc in the back is just distracting to me. Otherwise, nice job! Darla
  13. sunburnt

    striped dogface puffer

    Heh. Small world. I have three; two personals and one foster/rescue. The pic is of Riddick, my male. Not a perfect example, head wise, but the love of my life, nonetheless. Where are you and will you link me to the website? I'd love to see your dogs! ( I guess this isn't hijacking a thread since...
  14. sunburnt

    id on puffer

    Heh. Glad to help! They're actually one of my fave hitchers. I spy on them with a flashlight, and love to watch how, when they retreat, they roll into themselves... very weird. And beneficial, so doubly good. :cheer: :cheer: Darla
  15. sunburnt

    id on puffer

    I think you have a peanut worm... I have several that are striped with tan markings, but one has very yellow stripes, and the "mouth" is the same color yellow. It looks like something out of Tremors or Dune... heh. Look that up in the hitchhikers thread, but bear in mind that there are color...
  16. sunburnt

    striped dogface puffer

    Sorry- I must be looking at a different puffer. The one they have here is listed as Arothron manilensis, and going through 5 pages of Google results, I only found one mention of them being less than 30cm... 23 cm - which would make it 9 inches. :-) Must be a different puffer. Still a cool fish.
  17. sunburnt

    striped dogface puffer

    Odd that I found 2 sources (fishbase being one of them) that list it at 12"... maybe not the same one? :notsure:
  18. sunburnt

    striped dogface puffer

    My LFS has one of those for $35. I think you'll find it called the narrow-lined puffer, and I wouldn't hold it to that supposed 6" limit! It might never get to be the documented 12" they get in the wild, but 6" sounds very conservative...
  19. sunburnt

    Temple, Texas anyone???

    Yeah- I know the guy you mean :-) He's their fish guy. His wife also works there.
  20. sunburnt

    Temple, Texas anyone???

    I should say "Howdy" just becuase they expect it.. heh. Get used to ordering online, buddy. The one LFS in Killeen gets in no variety, and the surface water of their tanks is disgusting, attesting to the water quality. I go in the day they get their fish, so they're still in bags, but they never...