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  1. rygoodm6

    what killed it???

  2. rygoodm6

    what killed it???

    water is fine sg is .026 the erchent and sally were put in tank at same time and same acl time..def not a molt...entire crab is there...eyes and all...and now i noticed that that my black stiped damsel has a chuck taken out of his side...the shrimp is gunna be gone as soon as fish store opens
  3. rygoodm6

    what killed it???

  4. rygoodm6

    what killed it???

    ive heard that the green stars can be killers???
  5. rygoodm6

    new to hobby

    ph about 8.2 i keep my salt around .024 temp 78 and were are you gerring lr from
  6. rygoodm6

    what killed it???

    you really think the banded could pull his legs off like that
  7. rygoodm6

    what killed it???

    i bought a sally light foot crab 2 days ago and just got home from work to find him lying bottom up on my sand with only 2 legs left and no claws..what killed him...i had a tang, damsel, coral banded shrimp, urchent and a green brit star....would any of these do that to him...about 3 monts ago...
  8. rygoodm6

    quick ?

    had an out break of hair alge and finally got my phos down to 0.. i took all my rock out but one peice and scrubed it down and got all of it off...there is one peice that is like a 25-30 lb peice of rock.. with phos at 0 if i scrub it in the tank will that spred it all over again or is it ok
  9. rygoodm6

    Thats It I Had It!

    hey man just need to take some asuming its a new tank...i set mine up in oct and just beat that stuff last month...its a pain i know but get your water worked out and get some circulation in there in time it will go away...i was just like you but i beat it and so can you
  10. rygoodm6

    Picking up first tank today...

    not sure if its like window tinting but but i do window tinting and the best way to do it is water and baby soap. the take the credit card and use it to get the soap and bubles out. the soad will dry off and it will stick a great wayy to move it to get the right position
  11. rygoodm6

    be kind please

    ok i know you guys are going to tell me i waisted my money but i just wanna know if anyone has had any lock with the red sea berline air lift skimmer...i needed one really bad and money is tight right now so i bought seems to be doing what its supposed to...but anyone have an opinion
  12. rygoodm6

    MAXIMUM Bio load!

    Originally Posted by AW2 That's too bad...I just moved down to Southern IL, about a month ago, from Chicago. were in southern il
  13. rygoodm6

    MAXIMUM Bio load!

    i also agree with doing a little less helps....i stated off here listening to everything poeple said about "proper maintenance" and lost some i stoped doing so much...fewer water changes and stuff like that and havnt lost a fish yet...and that tank size stuff i dunno...i have a yellow...
  14. rygoodm6

    layer of stuff on sand????

    ro/di water...4 power heads 2 to airiate serface and 2 for current
  15. rygoodm6

    layer of stuff on sand????

    3 months old...some is red some is green but its like leather on top of the sand
  16. rygoodm6

    layer of stuff on sand????

    i was doing a water change last night and when i went to suck some stuff off my sand i saw that my sand had this layer of stuff on top of it...its thick and like a blanket on top of the sand...its had to explain but it comes up in chunks and the sand is normal under neath it any idea what this...
  17. rygoodm6

    adding sand

    Originally Posted by Loodachris What is you stock list and how big is your tank? if you dont have a huge stock and its not a problem try and take your fish out then turn all of your filters off then add the sand. Once it all settles turn your filters back on and put your fish back in their home...
  18. rygoodm6

    adding sand

    what is the best way to add sand to your tanks after fish are in there...i want to make my bed about 2 in deaper but dont really know how to do it without making a huge sand storm any ideas would be very helpful
  19. rygoodm6

    Help!!!! Is It Dieing???

    i woke up this morning and my anem is all shriveled up and you can see the amonia is .25 going to get water know for a water change is it to late???? is it dead or can i still save him.....plllllsssss help
  20. rygoodm6

    55 g into sump fuge

    how would i go about making a 55g into a sump and fuge for my 55g tank