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  1. biohazard

    60 gallon light help

    I am upgrading my 29 gallon tank to a 60 gallon with a canopy. I am thinking about this light pendant to hang inside the canopy. I want to keep clams, SPS, etc... Its a Current pendant. The PowerPaq 10,000K HQI metal halide will make your corals thrive with stunning intensity and awesome color...
  2. biohazard

    Tank caught fire

    and do yourself and your families a favor install a GFCI outlet to plug your strip into. If we were not home we wouldve lost everything, and if we were asleep we could have lost our lives.
  3. biohazard

    Tank caught fire

    yeah im deff gonna have them replace my power strip. the powerhead has been acting strange for ahwile making strange sounds and smelled strange. i took it out of the tank last weekend but dropped it in a bucket today to mix some saltwater and it was fine for about an hour then bam! it was a Rio...
  4. biohazard

    Tank caught fire

  5. biohazard

    Tank caught fire

    So yeah today I was walking by my tank and all of a sudden i hear a cracking sound and see sparks and smoke coming from my surge protector. Then a four foot flame from one of the outlets on the protector. Apparently a faulty powerhead was overloading the circuit. It melted the plugs on all my...
  6. biohazard


    I`ve tried to lower my light cycle. I have also tried different water change times and amounts. Do you think a HOB fuge would be better than investing in a good filter? The filter I have now is a cheap walmart filter it uses a carbon filled cartridge. Would it be ok to add more LR while I am...
  7. biohazard


    I have a serious problem with cyano. Its a 29gal with about 20lbs of LR. I have a live sand bed with assorted corrals. I also have a clown fish, a falco hawkfish, severl hermits and snails. I have a Dual Satellite light from Current. I have an Aqua C Remora skimmer. And a crappy hob filter from...
  8. biohazard

    Boyd Chemi-Clean

    I have never vacumed my sand. It is so fine I don`t want to stir it up and vacum up all of it. I have moved it around and see a large dirt cloud rise from the sand that looks really unhealthy.
  9. biohazard

    Boyd Chemi-Clean

    I`ve reduced nutrients. I even changed my food choices. I have tons of flow in the tank. I go through the tank every weekend removing cyano with a turkey baster.
  10. biohazard

    Boyd Chemi-Clean

    I have the same problem and thats what I use. I see no changes though. I have a hob filter, an aqua c remora skimmer, a phosban reactor, and an extra PH for good measure. I cut back feeding to every other day, cut my lighting to 8 hrs a day, do a water change once a week. Nothing helps. My tank...
  11. biohazard


    I use it in a reactor. I never have any phosphate readings in my tank. But I run it on a trickle constently just in case, because I used to have a huge problem. Right now my tank is covered and I mean covered in cyano bacteria, and I dont know why.
  12. biohazard

    Video on Atlanta's Aquarium

    Instant ocean. I live in SC close to Atlanta I should go check it out. Did you see the size of the protien skimmer?
  13. biohazard

    Nebody not run a skimmer on their reef?

    I also live in an apartment and I run an Aqua C Remora skimmer its a HOB and you don`t even notice its back there. With the stuff it draws from the tank I couldn`t imagine not having it. I also have a HOB filter, and HOB phosphate reactor. It all hangs neatly on the back of my 29gal tank.
  14. biohazard

    snails,starfish & brittle stars

    My green brittle ate my pom pom crab, sally lightfoot crab, and my mandarin goby. I took him back to the fish store yesterday.
  15. biohazard

    I need help ASAP!

    I am having the same problem with brown hair. Water is fine and the algae is taking over my zoos
  16. biohazard

    my boxer crab

  17. biohazard

    my boxer crab

    It took my LFS 3 weeks to get one for me at 20 dollars. I put the tiny little creature in my 29 gallon. I saw him 2 times about a month ago and havent seen him since. I even re did some of my rock work and still havent seen him. I think my brittle star might have ate him? Im getting rid of...
  18. biohazard

    Skinny Mandarin Goby

    where could i find a HOB fuge?
  19. biohazard

    Skinny Mandarin Goby

    thanks for the advice man. Yeah it deff wasnt on purpose. The thought of him starving makes me sick to my stomach. I cant imagine how he feels.
  20. biohazard

    Skinny Mandarin Goby

    Today I noticed my Mandarin Goby is getting really thin. I guess he depleted all the Copepods in my LR. So today I bought some frozen Reef Plankton and he loved it. Actually everyone in the tank loved it the goby, a Falco Hawkfish, my corral frags, and assorted crabs. He still seems hungry and I...